Common Graduate Policies

More information on common policies that affect Lubar graduate students can be found below.  In the event you are in need of an exception to any of these policies, please speak with your academic advisor:. There are some cases in which an exception may be considered.

Add Deadline – For every academic session, there is a deadline to add, swap, or edit enrolled courses.

Change of degree program – If you decide to change from one degree program to another, you must submit a new Degree Application to the Graduate School. If the new application is more than one year from your original admission date, another $75 application fee (non-refundable) is required.

Continuation – The minimum graduation GPA requirement is a cumulative 3.0 or better in all work taken toward degree.

You will receive an academic warning if your semester GPA falls below a 3.0. If your cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 you will receive a “Graduate Dean’s OK Required to Continue” hold on your PAWS account. You will need to receive permission from the Graduate School to continue in your program via a Request for Exception form.

Drop Deadlines Every course in an academic semester has 2 drop deadlines. The first is to drop a course with no notation on your transcript. The second is to drop a course with no tuition remission and a “W” on your transcript.  There are also tuition refund deadlines throughout the first weeks of a term.

Note:  A “W” on your transcript does not impact your term or cumulative GPA.

Enrollment Polices –
Students enrolled in a minimum of 8 credits per semester or 6 credits during a summer semester are considered full-time.

Holds (Service Indicators) – A hold may be placed on your record for the following reasons:

  • An unpaid debt to the University
  • Failure to show proof of insurance (international students only)
  • Official transcript required for admission not received
  • Administrative obligation
  • Panther Enrollment Checklist

A hold on your record prohibits you from registering for classes, obtaining transcripts, or receiving your diploma. In addition, international students with holds cannot have non-immigrant papers processed by the Center for International Education (CIE).

You can check for holds on your record using PAWS.

Incomplete Policy – An I (Incomplete) may be assigned by the instructor if you are unable to finish all of the course requirements during the original semester of enrollment. You are responsible for working the instructor to complete the remaining work and have the Incomplete removed from your record.

If you do not complete the remaining work within one year of the end of the term of original registration, the Incomplete will be administratively changed to a Permanent Incomplete (PI). The PI will remain on your record by is not computed into your GPA.

Major Professor as Advisor – All MS students must have a major professor from your chosen graduate program unit. The major professor advises on courses and graduation requirements. All major professors must be members of the UWM Graduate Faculty.

Maximum/Minimum Credit Load – You may not register for more than 15 credits in a semester or 9 credits in the eight-week summer session or a total of 12 credits in the summer. MSPA Students can not enroll in more then 12 credits in a given semester. Audit, sport/recreation, and colloquium seminar credits are not counted when determining a graduate student’s credit load; undergraduate credits are counted.

Every student who uses University resources must be enrolled at UWM for a minimum of 1 credit per semester or summer.

Minimum Grade Requirement  – Students must earn a C- or better to meet graduate degree requirements. Grades or course status outcomes of D+, D, D-, F+, F, E, I, PI, NC, U, W, and WR may not be used toward meeting degree requirements. The P course status designation must be converted to a grade upon the completion of the course requirements.

Re-entering the Graduate School – If you plan to return to your graduate program after an absence of two or more semesters (excluding summer and UWinteriM), you must apply to re-enter. To apply you must have:

  • Completion of a semester’s work with in the past five years
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Clearance of academic and administrative holds
  • Being within the time limit for degree completion

You can apply via the Panthera Admission Application.

Repeating Courses – You are allowed to repeat a course once in which a grade of B- or lower was earned. Both attempts appear on your transcript and both grades are calculated in the graduate GPA. Only one attempt may be counted toward meeting degree requirements.

Transferring Credits – Credits may only be transferred from another AACSB accredited business school and no more than 40% of your degree program total credits may be transferred. Courses need to be approved by the Lubar College of Business faculty.

Time Limit – If your master’s program requires 30 credits or fewer, you must complete all degree requirements within five years of your first enrollment in the program. If your program requires over 30 credits, you must complete all requirements within seven years. Certificate programs must be completed within three years.

Transcripts – Official graduate transcripts and unofficial copies can be obtained in Mitchell 261 or by completing and submitting an official Transcript Request form through the Registrars Office website.

Winter Semester – UWinteriM is a three-week session held during winter break. Enrollment in the winter semester does not affect graduation deadlines. If you complete your degree requirements during UWinteriM, you will graduate in May, but will not have to register during the spring semester. You may not register for more than three credits during UWinteriM.

Withdrawal – To withdraw is to drop all classes for a given term.  The deadline to withdraw can be found here: To withdraw you must fill out a withdrawal form or send a letter by certified mail to give notice to the Graduate School of the withdrawal. To drop one course and continue in other enrolled courses, please reference “Drop Deadlines” above.

For More Information

Want to meet with an Academic Advisor? Click Here

Graduate Student Services
Lubar Hall N251
(414) 251-5252