UWM Announces Plans to Close Waukesha Campus

UWM at Waukesha’s Career and Internship Center offers a wide variety of helpful resources for students and area employers.

Schedule an appointment with our career and internship program coordinator for help with:

  • Career exploration
  • Job and internship searching
  • Receiving credit for internships
  • Resume and cover letter writing help
  • Interview preparation
  • LinkedIn
  • Student employment

Student Opportunities

Career & Internship Center Advising


12:15pm – 1:00pm (drop-in advising)
1:00pm – 4:15pm (one on one appointments, in person or virtual) 


1:00pm – 4:15pm (one on one appointments, in person or virtual) 


12:15pm – 4:15pm (one on one appointments, virtual only) 

Students can schedule an appointment via Navigate, or by emailing the career and internship coordinator at cgs-careerservices@uwm.edu

In person appointments are held in the Career & Internship Center, C142. 

Virtual appointments are held via Microsoft Teams or by phone. 

Career Closet

Get free professional attire, thanks to generous donors. Open by request, Monday through Friday.

Online resources for students


Sign up for your free Handshake account to create your profile and locate jobs and internships.

1. Go to uwm.joinhandshake.com

2. Click on University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 1Login

3. Enter your UWM epantherID and password

4. Answer the preliminary questions to set your career plan preferences.

5. Recommend completing your profile. Click on your name in the top right corner, then “My Profile”..get your Personal Brand Noticed!

Additional Career and Internship Search Resources



Panthers Connect 

Career Exploration



Occupational Outlook Handbook 


What Can I Do With This Major? 


Resumes and Cover Letters



Student resume examples

Browse through UWM at Waukesha resume examples to learn how to put together an ideal resume.

Spring 2025 Events

To learn more about upcoming events email  


Employer Involvement

Job Shadow Program: Host a student for the day to show what your profession is all about. Job shadowing is one of the best ways for students to explore careers.

Informational Interview Contact: Have a student who is interested in your field of work interview you about your career pathway.

Job and Internship Posting: Visit Handshake to post job and internship opportunities.

Other Ways to Get Involved?  Just reach out! Cgs-careerservices@uwm.edu or 414.251.6121

Employer Sign-Up Directions
  1. Go to https://uwm.joinhandshake.com/login.
  2. Click “Sign up here” on the upper right-hand side.
  3. Click on “Are you an employer? Sign up here.”
  4. Complete the required information needed.
  5. Request access to the UWM Employment Office (which includes Waukesha and Washington County students).
  6. Please allow 24-48 business hours for administrative approval.
  7. Once your registration has been approved, see below on how to post a job and/or internship.
Posting Jobs/Internships
  1. Log in to Handshake.
  2. Go to “Post a Job.”
  3. Complete the required information needed.
  4. At the end, select UW-Milwaukee as the school.
  5. After completion of your job posting, please allow 24-48 business hours for administration approval.

What an internship can do for you.

maddie testimonial photo

Doing a general internship with the Waukesha Field Station allowed me to do things that I don’t normally get a chance to do. I learned a lot about wildlife and plants and encourage students to do internships even if it’s not within their studies.

Maddie N.UWM at Waukesha Field Station Intern, Summer 2021
owen testimonial photo

I interned for the Milwaukee Milkmen and I loved every second of it. Working with the Milkmen gave me opportunities and experiences that will help me throughout my career. If you’re hesitant about doing an internship, don’t be. Just do it and you’ll be happy you did.

Owen P.Milwaukee Milkmen Rotational Intern, Summer 2021
sophia testimonial photo

I interned for the Urban Ecology Center and even with a pandemic going on, the benefits were amazing. Not only was it paid, but I got to make so many connections with nonprofits in Milwaukee, countless friends, and even a dream job at the end of it. It gave me experience in a field I’d never worked in and confidence in the major I chose. I’d recommend it for every college student.

Sophia D.Urban Ecology Center Community Program Intern, Summer 2021
kelsey testimonial photo

Pursuing an internship is so advantageous to develop professional work experience and transferable skills, build your portfolio, network, and build meaningful relationships. Any student that has an internship will set themselves apart and have a competitive advantage in the job market when looking at a full-time position.

Kelsey S.Generac Talent Acquisition Intern, Summer 2021