- Updated: June 28, 2023
- Program Statement
Eligible employees (see below) who have received notice of nonrenewal due to budget or program decisions, “at risk” notice, notice of layoff, or otherwise are being terminated due to budget or program decisions, are provided through this program the right of referral priority to vacancies for which they may qualify.
- Eligibility
The Priority Referral Program (PRP) is open to academic staff, university staff, and limited employees without backup positions, who have appointments of 50% or greater, who have received notice of nonrenewal, “at risk” notice, are laid off, or are terminated (this applies to limited employees only) due to program or budget changes.
Employees who have received notice of non-renewal for reasons of unacceptable performance are not eligible for enrollment in this program.
The PRP will continue until June 30, 2025, at which time it will be revisited in consultation with the Academic Staff Committee and University Staff Committee.
Duration of Eligibility for the Program
Eligibility for participation in the program is three years from the notice date of nonrenewal, “at risk” or layoff. If the PRP is not renewed after June 30, 2025, it will continue for all employees already participating in the program for the full three years from the notice date of nonrenewal, “at risk” or layoff.
- Program Details
Initial Action: Eligible employees who receive notice of nonrenewal, “at risk”, layoff, or termination due to program or budget changes will be informed, upon written notification of their pending termination, that the Priority Referral Program exists and that they have a right to participate.
Employee Action: Employees must indicate their interest in the PRP and provide information necessary for participation in the program, per instructions to be provided by the Central Office of Human Resources (CHR).
Options for Participants: Participants may choose to join a pool of priority referral participants, and apply as a PRP candidate for a position in which they are interested or they may elect not to apply as a priority referral candidate. Upon notification of a recruitment from the PRP Coordinator, participants have three working days* to apply as a priority referral candidate for that position.
- Implementation and Maintenance of the Program
Employee Responsibilities:
- Upon notification of nonrenewal, “at risk” or layoff, employees must express interest in the PRP and provide CHR any required information.
- PRP participants must monitor notifications of recruitments and apply within three working days for positions of interest.
- PRP participants shall notify the PRP Coordinator in writing when they no longer wish to participate in the program.
CHR Responsibilities:
- The PRP Coordinator will maintain a database of participants and pertinent information.
- CHR will develop and maintain a system for tracking participants and activities related to the program.
- The PRP Coordinator will administer the program and respond to participant/departmental queries.
PRP Recruitment Process:
- Upon receiving an expression of interest in filling a vacancy, CHR will affirm the department’s obligation to review any PRP candidates before the recruitment will be advertised publicly.
- The PRP Coordinator will notify all program participants of a pending recruitment and interested participants will have the opportunity to apply for the position as outlined by CHR. Time for candidates’ application: three working days.*
- The PRP Coordinator will provide departments with names and pertinent materials of all interested program participants. Recruiting departments will be expected to respond to The PRP Coordinator within three working days* of receipt of participant materials indicating whether and whom they will interview. Time for departmental response: three working days.*
- Per University Staff Layoff Policies and Procedures, if a participating university staff employee meets the minimum qualifications for a job in which they express interest, the hiring unit must interview that staff member. When forwarding the names and pertinent materials of interested program participants, the PRP Coordinator will note if any university staff member is required to be interviewed. If there is a question whether the employee meets the minimum qualifications, the PRP Coordinator will confer with the hiring unit.
- If a program participant is selected for the position after interview, the hire will proceed per standard hiring policies and procedures, as advised by CHR. Also consistent with standard hiring policies and procedures, the hiring unit determines the terms and conditions of employment, upon negotiation with the selected applicant.
These timelines may be lengthened if the process warrants, upon approval of the Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Human Resources.
- Related Documents
- Contact Information