The UWM Student Union Renovation project will create a modern and inviting space with new gathering spaces, hang out spaces, study areas, and upgraded building systems. Here are the latest updates on the UWM Student Union Renovation project.
Spring 2023
We are excited to announce that the Centers for Advocacy and Student Engagement (CASE) and Student Involvement units have begun to take occupancy of their newly renovated spaces on the East side and Third Floor of the Union!
Specific areas that are opening/reopening include:
- Studio Arts & Craft Centre
- Union Cinema
- Student Association
- Building Management/Information Desk
- LGBTQ+ Resource Center (New Location!)
- Women’s Resource Center (New Location!)
- Inclusive Excellence Center (New Location!)
- Military & Veterans Resource Center (including Military Education Benefits Office and VetSuccess on Campus) (New Location!)
- Lactation Room (New Location!)
- Off-Campus Student Services (formerly Neighborhood Housing) (New Location!)
- University Legal Clinic (New Location!)
- Student Involvement
- Wisconsin Room (Renovated and Improved!)
- Campus Level Inclusive Restroom (New Facilities!)
- Street Level Inclusive Restroom (New Facilities!)
- The new Overlook Computer Lounge should be coming on-line very soon, stay tuned!
Contractors continue to conduct large scale exterior sitework in the main Kenwood Boulevard entry, leading to a tentative re-opening of the main entry.
As we open the main entry and complete the relocation of MAVRC, LGBTQ+, WRC, and the old Lactation Room; the Union Terrace space will be closed to foot traffic. The Union Terrace will be offline as flooring, ventilation systems, and the Union Station entry doors are replaced. This will also limit access to the Union Marketing Services office space. We will do our best to keep things up to date and let you know when operations will be coming back online.
Areas still working through continued closures are:
- The Art Gallery
- 8thNote Coffeehouse/Lounge
- Event Services
- Union Administrative offices
- Retail Services offices (including Catering)
The Art Gallery will continue to operate out of the Arts Center Gallery for the spring term, and Retail Services offices will continue to operate out of Bolton Hall and Golda Meir Library. Event Services will be displaced from their temporary office space in the Union Terrace in the coming weeks and will relocate to the Union Information Center for all walk-up services. The Information Center will also support walk-up service needs for Union Marketing Services while their space is inaccessible.
While large-scale renovations will continue in the Spring term, the end is in sight as the project is scheduled to wrap up in advance of the Fall term. Once the Eastern section of the facility is opened and occupied, it will be easier for the team from the Student Union and Campus Planning to provide updates and answer questions related to timelines moving forward. We are excited to reintroduce members of the campus community to a new and improved UWM Student Union.
The Union is officially open to the public! All dining units are functioning and the Panther Shop, TechStore, and Books by eCampus has been moved to its new location. As renovations continue, please remain cautious as the construction workers work hard to finish projects around the building.
As we have announced before, we will not have Air Conditioning this fall and are unsure when that system will go back-online.
Ongoing projects:
- New furniture for around the building has been delivered.
- The Wisconsin Room’s new wall coverings are being put up.
- The area around Transportation services is nearly finished with new floors and refinished cabinetry.
Construction in the Student Union continues at a furious pace. This summer has brought amazing progress from our partners at Findorff Construction and HGA Architects, along with some delays.
UWM Campus Planning and Student Union leadership have prioritized service and support of our students throughout this project, with plans for the building to reopen for general use in time for the start of the fall semester. Our highest priority is serving the basic needs of students like safety, dining, and services that facilitate our primary educational mission. The Union is currently completing our final tests and inspections to open our doors on Friday, September 2nd, with dining units beginning their services on Tuesday, September 6th. The Panther Shop, Books by eCampus, UWM TechStore, and PantherCard Office will operate from Bolton Hall August 29th through September 1st. All four offices will reopen in the Union on Friday, September 2nd.
We have one more year of active construction in the Union before this project will reach its completion, so there will be both usable and non-usable spaces in the facility. Union staff remain committed to accommodating our students, departments, and community as much as possible during this transitional year.
For a more detailed look at the UWM Student Union Renovation, and the locations of any displaced services please visit the Space Relocations page within the Union’s Renovation website.
Fall 2022 Reopening Timeline:
As we near the beginning of the Fall 2022 semester, we anticipate a small delay in the reoccupation of the Union for UWM and partners personnel. Fire Alarm system testing must be passed for ANY staff to reoccupy the building, this test is now scheduled for Thursday, August 25. If this test is passed, we will begin welcoming staff back into the building on Friday, August 26. An additional certification test for the emergency electrical & generator systems must be passed for UWM to open the building to our campus community. UWM is working closely with all parties to get this testing done as soon as possible to allow the Union to open for the Fall Semester. At this time, our goal continues to be a re-opened Union on Monday, August 29.
Naturally, there is some concern about the possibility of encountering a complication during a test and not passing our first inspection. While we will need to remain flexible, UWM Campus Planning and Student Union leadership have prioritized service and support of our students throughout this project, with plans for the building to reopen for general use in time for the start of the fall semester. Our highest priority is serving the basic needs of students, both in feeding them and fulfilling our primary educational mission. Student Union and Campus Leadership have made it very clear that our facility must be open on September 6th when classes begin!
Work will continue throughout the 2022/2023 academic year. As we move through the coming semesters, some spaces will reopen, and others will close anew.
What to Expect When the Student Union Reopens:
- As we have announced before, we will not have Air Conditioning this fall and are unsure when that system will go back-online.
- The planned return of the steam and hot water systems is targeted for Friday, August 26, which should allow for food service to start operations the week of Monday, August 29.
- The UWM Panther Shop, PantherCard Office, UWM TechStore, Books by eCampus, the Atrium Food Service Units and CCBLLR will open in accordance with those staff gaining access to their spaces.
- The Atrium Dining area, GRIND, Panther Connection, and UW Credit Union will open as planned.
- The Ballroom, Alumni Fireside Lounge and Meeting Rooms 143 – 191 will open as planned.
- The Dean of Students Offices, Food Pantry (in Room 348) and Meeting Rooms 342 – 347 will open as planned.
- Some faculty and staff will return to their third level offices as planned.
- The Case (Centers for Advocacy and Student Engagement) will reopen in their pre-closure locations:
- Military and Veterans Resource Center
- LGBTQ+ Resource Center
- Women’s Resource Center
- Inclusive Excellence Center
In Progress, but Not Ready Yet:
- The Student Involvement Wing of the 3rd Level will not be ready for occupation due to a supply chain delay and is anticipated to re-open for the Spring Semester.
- This team will continue operating out of Bolton Hall 272 for the Fall Semester.
- Union Event Services will relocate to room WG85 due to the renovation of the Union’s roof mechanical spaces are under construction. They will return to their offices on the 3rd Level of the Union as soon as they are permitted.
- UWM 20/20 Catering and the UWM Retail Services support offices will be relocated to Golda Meier E157 as the renovation of the Union’s roof mechanical spaces are under construction. They will return to their offices on the 3rd Level of the Union as soon as they are permitted. This will result in a reduction in service options as the semester begins.
- 2nd Level event spaces including Wisconsin Room East/West, Union Cinema, and meeting rooms 240-280 are impacted by the same delay as the 3rd Level Involvement Wing. These are all anticipated to re-open for the Spring Semester.
- The demolition and support column reinforcement has been completed in the Gasthaus, but we have just begun construction on its renovation. Retail Services will be looking to reopen this restaurant in the Spring Semester.
- The Overlook (A new computer area), formerly the Union Art Gallery, is impacted by the installation of the new glass walls being installed on the southern façade of the building. Once the glass is installed, we will open that space. Technology installation will take place after the new furniture arrives in that space, which is anticipated in October.
- UWM continues to work with Findorff on the reopening plans for the new Art Gallery. We hope to have an announcement about this space in a few weeks.
- The new Directional Signage Plan is in its final stages of design but will not be installed when the building opens. In the meantime, Union staff will place sign standards around the building to help with new traffic flow and wayfinding. Also, directional maps will be placed at the elevators and handed out at the Information Center.
- Help with some new location names:
- Street Level – Formerly Ground Floor
- Campus Level – Formerly 1st Floor
- West End Commons – Formerly Terrace
- Milwaukee Conference Center – On Campus Level, Describes Ballroom, Alumni Fireside Lounge, Rooms 143 – 191
- Wisconsin Conference Center – On 2nd Level, Describes Wisconsin Room, Union Cinema, Rooms 220 – 280.
- Furniture delivery dates will vary depending on vendor and we will plan for installation shipping confirmation is sent. Look for more updates to come.
- Currently, we have one operating passenger elevator, and our main service elevator is offline. Due to supply chain challenges and the age of our current equipment, we have experienced delays in completing repairs and modernization to these units.
- The Table Tennis functions for the Recreation Center and the 8th Note Coffee House will be off-line this fall.
- The roof structure continues to make great progress with ceiling framing going in.
- Spaights Plaza is almost ready to be refilled with concrete.
- New sod has been placed around the generator structure in Spaights Plaza and will be a great new green space to hang out in this Fall!
- The glass for the expansive windows surrounding the Panthershop has arrived and will be put in soon.
- Foam has been added in the Terrace on the ground floor to begin the leveling process.
- Framing of the new mechanical room on the roof is nearly complete with the help of various cranes around campus.
- The track for the Wisconsin Room divider has been fully completed!
- New walkways at the Kenwood entrance are beginning construction.
- Brand new mechanical piping has been installed.
Now that the demolition of the outside of the main Kenwood entrance is fully complete, repairs have started on this area and the roof over the Ballroom.
- The walls of the second inclusive restroom on the Ground Floor have been framed and will be constructed soon.
- The 8th Note entrance relocation is well underway with a big hole where the new door will be in the Concourse.
- Demolition of the concrete at the entrance to Spaights Plaza has been finished and will soon be restored to be more ADA friendly.
- The raised areas of the Union Terrace have been fully leveled the sunken areas are being prepared to be filled in.
- Painting and cleaning are still underway in the CASE areas, Neighborhood Housing, Legal Clinic, and Union Operations.
- Plumbing fixtures have been installed in the Campus Level inclusive restroom.
Our partners at Findorff construction continue to make great progress in the UWM Student Union renovation! It is exciting to see some spaces taking shape while other areas continue through different phases of demolition and preparation.
While the HVAC systems are anticipated to be operational to circulate air and provide heat as the Fall Semester moves into colder temperatures, the campus chilled water system will not be connected to the new Union mechanical systems during the Fall 2022 Semester.
Some radiator systems will not be installed when the facility reopens but will be installed when the equipment becomes available in late September or early October.
Areas currently experiencing demolition and preparation for construction:
- The Union Terrace seating area is having its raised platforms demolished, and its lower seating areas filled with concrete to make a single level dining area.
- Concrete outside the Union doors to the Ernest Spaights Plaza is being demolished in preparation for the new ADA compliant entry. This work is being done during the NSO break to minimize impact on our new students.
Areas under active rebuilding or in the final stages of remodeling:
- The Panther Shop, UWM TechStore and the Center for Community Based Leadership Learning and Research (CCBLLR) are receiving their new paint and cabinetry.
- The walls for the new Union Art Gallery and computer lounge are being installed, as is their HVAC ductwork.
Major systems have been shut down and replacements of these systems are ongoing. The largest equipment being replaced are the HVAC units for about 70% of the building. One fallout from this phase of the project is that the Union will not be able to connect to the campus chilled water system for the Fall Semester, meaning when the Union building reopens, we will NOT have air conditioning in the facility.
In the Basement:
- Construction of the Gasthaus is underway with an anticipated opening in October 2022. More details on this part of the project to come.
- Demolition of Mechanical systems is being completed this week and replacement of equipment starts on July 5th. This includes the domestic water system, the HVAC unit for much of the basement, and much of the electrical system of the building.
On the Street level:
- The East side has started to get lighting, cabinetry, doors, and interior finishes for the CASE areas, Neighborhood Housing, Legal Clinic, and Union Operations installed. Final painting and cleaning are starting in all areas.
On the Campus level:
- Framing of the Panther Card Office and Books by eCampus is underway.
- All new flooring between Taco Bell and Burger King and outside the Ballroom is going in.
- Restroom fixtures for the new Inclusive Restroom has begun being installed.
- The Panther Shop, TechStore, and CCBLLR are getting new paint.
- The new Art Gallery has newly framed walls and duct work.
- Installing duct work in the new computer lounge.
- Removal and Replacement of fire shutters at center stairs is underway.
- A new corridor from Union Ballroom to the past renovated Panthershop now exists.
On the Second Level:
- Supports for a new divider airwall between Wisconsin Room East & West are being installed.
- The ceiling and old electrical system in Wisconsin Room Lounge are being demolished
- Removal and Replacement of the fire shutters at center stairs is underway.
On the Third Level:
- Throughout the new Involvement spaces, painting, cleaning, installation of ceilings is being finished.
- Demolition of walls and ceilings for new ductwork is underway.
- Filling small skylights over office suites with concrete has been completed.
On the Fourth Level & Roof:
- Removal of all mechanical equipment is complete.
- Expansion of the existing East mechanical room, and the construction of the new Central mechanical room is underway.
- Exterior landscaping work of the West Maryland Ave entrance will start in late July.
- Concrete repairs focused on improving ADA access to the Union via Spaights Plaza have started this week.
- Construction of the new generator enclosure at Pangaea Mall is complete, with exterior landscaping starting in July.
Along with the continuous progress on the demolition of the Kenwood entrance, the construction team has also been busy demolishing the Terrace on the ground floor. Eventually this space will be fully leveled and given a new look.
The West entrance on Maryland Ave. has started to be torn down and relocated to create a beautiful sight line through the entire Union.
In the last few weeks, significant progress has been made on the Kenwood exterior of the Union. The portico over the main entrance has been demolished making space for large windows to be put in its place.
The second floor has also been opened up to accommodate for the new Art Gallery, Panther Shop, and TechStore!
As the Union closes for the summer, all the Student Offices have been packing up and moving out throughout the week. For the graduating students, this is the final goodbye to their offices and the Union.
Once all these offices are out of the building, the Union will close to all, and the full-scale renovation will be underway!
Resources and services affected by the building closure will still be available for students to use, either virtually or at a temporary location on campus. You can follow the temporary relocation assignments as they are determined by checking the Space Relocations website.
5/16/22 – 5/20/22
The Union Renovation Project has been in full swing throughout the current school year. Construction workers have been working hard to bring us improved site lines, smoother traffic patterns, more natural light, and new Panther spirit. And, so far, things are moving along on time.
To continue this great progress, it is important that we keep this timeline on track. To do so, the UWM Student Union will be closed to the public, beginning Monday, May 23, 2022.
This closure is necessary as the building will need to be without electricity, HVAC and water as these systems are updated and replaced. We have worked closely with our partners at HGA architects and Findorff construction to schedule this shutdown during the summer to minimize the disruption caused by the Union closure. The renovation timeline provides us confidence that the doors of the Union will re-open by Fall Semester 2022.
Resources and services affected by the building closure will still be available for students to use, either virtually or at a temporary location on campus. You can follow the temporary relocation assignments as they are determined by checking the Space Relocations website.
5/9/22 – 5/13/22
- Demolition of the mechanical room and work being done by crane is fully underway.
- The first flooring around CASE will start to be installed this week.
- Demolition is starting on the rooftop level, with all mechanical systems in room E450 being removed and that area of the building being expanded to facilitate the future expansion.
- The brick walls of the generator enclosure will be wrapping up by Friday, May 6 in the afternoon.
Basement – Design finalized for new Gasthaus, waiting on state approval for that part of the project to start construction.
Street Level – Interior windows being installed within office spaces, drop ceilings being installed, structural ceilings being painted, and gold walls being painted.
Campus Level – Inclusive Restroom plumbing is being put in place, Books by eCampus has cut their set-up more to allow for Panther Shop to start being constructed, drywall is installed in CCBLLR, and starting to begin drywall in the Panther Shop & TechStore.
2nd Level – Demolition underway in the Wisconsin Room. Carpeting and Airwall are gone.
3rd Level – Student Involvement wing construction continues, with all offices framed and drywall delivered this week.
4th Level (roof & mechanical penthouse) – Demolition underway, layout for new central penthouse and expansion of existing underway on the roof.
The brand-new generator was installed on Friday, April 15.
4/4/22 – 4/18/22
- Demolition has completed on the 3rd level of the Union and the construction of the new Student Involvement area has started.
- Progress has resumed in Pangaea Mall when the enclosure for the Union’s new generator is in progress.
- The enclosing of the NE stair tower, located behind Burger King, which provides access to the balcony overlooking Spaights Plaza as well as the second and third floors of the Union has restarted.
- The Union Cinema, Meeting Rooms E240, E250, E260, E280, and the Wisconsin room have closed for until fall.
- Renovation of the Wisconsin Room starts this week with the removal of the airwall used to separate the East and West sides of the room on March 31st.
- New windows have been installed on the campus level and street level, so soon students walking by the Union on Kenwood Blvd. will be able to look in at the progress which has been hidden behind construction barriers for months.
- Construction is well underway for the first of the two new large-scale inclusive restrooms that are part of the project. Located near Burger King, this space will provide ten all-user restroom spaces for the campus community.
New Projects
- The demolition of the 4th level mechanical room will begin the week of April 4th. This work will include the removal of six 50+ year old air handling units, and the partial demolition of the entire structure to allow the space to grow for the modern equipment that will replace everything currently located there.
- Plans for summer staff relocation are coming together, with temporary homes for the Food Pantry, Panther Shop, TechStore, and Panther Card office secured to ensure these services are ready when the Union closes this summer.
3/14/22 – 3/25/22
Due to the Union Renovation Project, a one-day UWM Student Union and Union Parking Garage full closure must happen on March 21, 2022, the Monday of UWM’s Spring Break.
All power will be cut from the Union, meaning the backup generator will not operate, there will be no emergency lighting and the garage will be closed. This shutdown will allow for major electrical work to be completed.
Standard operations of the Union will fully return on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
2nd Level:
- Meeting Rooms 240, 250, 260, 280; the Cinema and the Wisconsin Room will all go off-line after spring break.
- The Wisconsin Room Lounge and Meeting Room 220 will continue to support the UWM COVID testing center through the end of the current academic term.
3/7/22 – 3/11/22
- The Rec Center front desk and office space has been reoccupied.
Street Level:
- Work is ongoing in all areas East of the Union’s Information Center. Offices for Building Operations, the Lactation Room, and office suites for MAVRC, WRC, IEC, LGBTQ+RC, NHO, and Legal Clinic are all actively under construction. Last week we saw the first new sheet rock in the space. You can really see things come together.
- The Craft Centre, Student Association, and Parking Garage are all still accessible through the month of March. As of April 4th, SA and SACC will no longer be usable spaced due to mechanical shutdowns.
- Work converting WG01 from the staff break area to the new laundry room is complete.
Campus Level:
- The new, large scale inclusive restroom is now under construction between Books by eCampus and Burger King, and south of Books by eCampus the new offices suite for CCBLLR will be framed.
3rd Level:
- Light demolition in the offices on the 3rd Level spaces has started, and full-scale removal of walls will start.
2/28/22 – 3/4/22
- Preparation continues in Mechanical Rooms for the process of decommissioning all existing infrastructure systems starting in May 2023.
- The Gasthaus project is currently on hold pending final design for the updated restaurant/bar. UWM hopes to share renderings of this space later this semester.
- The Recreation Center has continued to operate as the structure reinforcement project required shutting down the front desk for this area. This work is wrapping up this week and the Rec Center will be able to reoccupy the front desk and their office space.
Street Level:
- Work is ongoing in all areas East of the Union’s Information Center. Offices for Building Operations, the Lactation Room, and office suites for MAVRC, WRC, IEC, LGBTQ+RC, NHO, and Legal Clinic are all actively under construction. Last week we saw the first new sheet rock in the space. You can really see things come together.
- The Craft Centre, Student Association, and Parking Garage are all still accessible through the month of March. As of April 4th, SA and SACC will no longer be usable spaced due to mechanical shutdowns.
- Clean-up work near Transportation Services will be complete shortly as this space was disturbed for structure reinforcement work over winter break.
- Work converting WG01 from the staff break area to the new laundry room is nearly complete, just waiting on parts for the washing machine to allow it to function efficiently in the new space.
Campus Level:
- Panther Shop, UWM TechStore, and Books by eCampus have all reduced their footprints to allow for construction around them. A new, large scale inclusive restroom is now under construction between Books by eCampus and Burger King, and south of Books by eCampus the new offices suite for CCBLLR will start to be framed in the next week.
- Clean-up work near the Ballroom will be completed shortly as this space was disturbed for structure reinforcement work over winter break.
2nd Level:
- No work on this floor at this time.
- Meeting Rooms 240, 250, 260, 280; the Cinema and the Wisconsin Room will all go off-line after spring break.
- The Wisconsin Room Lounge and Meeting room 220 will continue to support the UWM COVID testing center through the end of the current academic term.
3rd Level:
- Clean-up work along the western corridor of this floor be completed shortly as this space was disturbed for structure reinforcement work over winter break.
- Student Involvement and all other occupants of the spaces east of the 3rd level lounge will move out of their spaces this week.
- Light demolition in these spaces has started, and full-scale removal of walls will start the week of March 7th.
- Student Involvement front desk operations will be moving from 355 to outside 303 this week, joining Event Services and the Union’s business operations area in that space.
- Student Involvement will also transition to using space in 340, 313 and 326 this week.
General Notes:
- Meeting Rooms 179, 342 and 340 are now offline until fall and meeting rooms 346 and 347 will be unavailable for general usage during the 8am-5pm workday window.
- Updated building maps have been posted at the Union’s elevators. These maps show areas that will be off-line at the conclusion of Spring Break.
- We’ve had two full building electrical shutdowns in recent weeks to allow for work to occur. Additional shutdowns will occur, but power will be restored prior to the Union opening each time. Notices will be sent out in advance of any shutdowns.
- We’ve had three full building water shutdowns in recent weeks. We hope to see just one more prior to the full building closure in May, February 28th at 11:00pm.
- After all plumbing shutdowns, please run water in areas and anticipate some cloudiness. Cloudy tap water is likely due to trapped air or a build-up of dissolved particles in the water pipes. It is important to note that cloudy water from the tap is completely harmless.
2/14/22 – 2/18/22
- The TechStore moving to a temporary set-up within the Panthershop to make room for renovation.
- Both the Panther Shop and Books by eCampus are now almost half the size that it was in the fall due to construction.
- The seating platform next to Burger King has seen its last users as we start demolishing it on Monday February 14. A new temporary wall between Burger King and Books by eCampus blocks students from see progress, but anyone walking by on the sidewalk between the Union and Mellencamp Hall have a great view.
2/7/22 – 2/11/22
- This week is very similar to last week, except the entire south side of the Panther Shop on the 1st floor has been removed. We have a great new view of the Zelazo Center, which used to be impossible to see.
1/24/22 – 1/31/22
- Walls opened up to support future construction on the roof of the Union on the street level (transportation services), campus level (ballroom and inclusive excellence center), and third floor (offices) is wrapping up and walls will be re-enclosed for the start of the semester.
- Work in the Rec Center is still underway causing some disruptions.
- Former textbook areas of UWM Bookstore are gutted and the physical construction of new offices for the CASE units, Neighborhood Housing Office, Building Management, and Legal Clinic are underway. There is a new (temporary) exterior wall along Kenwood Blvd.
- Work will soon start in the Panther Shop and Books by eCampus areas where additional exterior walls will be demolished and the construction of one of the new large scale inclusive restroom.
- Electricians are working throughout the building running conduit for the new fire alarm system.
- Transportation Services (offices and corridor adjacent)
- Concrete form work has been concluded. Finishing carpentry is scheduled to start.
- Inclusive Excellence Center & Ballroom (offices and corridor adjacent)
- Concrete form work has been concluded. Finishing carpentry is scheduled to start.
- Union & Retail Services Offices and corridor adjacent
- Concrete form work has been concluded this week and finishing carpentry is scheduled to start.
Continuing Projects
- Preparation in both Books by eCampus and Panther Shop are underway for work to start in this area in the coming weeks.
- Craft Centre
- Replacement of special chemical drain lines occurring over the next two weeks.
- Inclusive/Gender Neutral Restrooms
- Flooring accessing this area has been removed in advance of replacement. These will be offline periodically over the next two weeks.
•Work in the exterior patio area between the main entry and parking garage exit is expanding. Pedestrian traffic in this area is no longer allowed and visitors will need to use the public sidewalk along Kenwood Blvd.
•Exterior stairs from main entry to campus level are in the process of being replaced, this work should be completed next week, but the stairs will remain inaccessible due to adjacent construction work.
•Work to enclose the exterior stairs from campus level to 3rd floor near Burger King is ongoing as we wait for metal and glass fabrication to catch-up.
•Work in the lawn area adjacent to the north side of the Union in Pangaea Mall continues as preparations for the new Generator and associated enclosure move forward
•Structural support for new 4th floor mechanical room has been completed, the space is now being prepped for additional project work in the coming weeks.
•January 10th and 11th, the excavation of the area behind the desk will start. This will create noise conflicts for spaces directly above the Rec Center including the MAVRC, CCBLLR, and Transportation Services offices.
•Former Textbook Area, Panther Shop Shipping/Receiving, Storage and Building Management Offices
•All areas behind the Information Center are all being demolished at this time.
•This includes a wonderful new 10’ wide “window” that was created by removing a large section of wall. This is now covered with plywood.
•Elevator #5 (service elevator) can no longer access this area, but still can access the ground floor via the western doors.
•Old IT infrastructure for the analog phone system is being removed where it conflicts with construction needs. Ethernet connectivity in this area is also being re-routed to other IT closets to maintain connectivity.
•Miscellaneous Areas
•Periodic work above many ceilings is occurring in preparation for replacement of the fire alarm system. Over the last week this has included the Kitchen, Student Association, and Craft Centre. Work of this nature will continue throughout the spring semester.
•Periodic HVAC shutdowns are occurring in the areas “behind” (east of) the Information Desk. These are scheduled to be completed prior to spaces being used for the Spring semester.
•Old IT infrastructure for analog phone system being removed where it conflicts with construction needs
- Recreation Center
- Pipe insulation are scheduled to undergo abatement.
Winter Break 2021
- Projects that have previously been started, such as the column reinforcements, will continue.
- There will be a new steel structure being built in the Northeast stair tower behind the Burger King and the area will be closed.
- Union Rec Center will close down over break, 8’ deep hole will be dug behind their desk.
- Transportation Services, Inclusive Excellence Center, and Union Ballroom will close over break as part of the same project.
- Winterim Project for column reinforcement starts this week.
- Street Level of the Union behind the Information Center will start being demolished the week. This includes the offices for Production Services & Building Management, plus tons of storage rooms. The current employee breakroom (WG01) will be converted into the new laundry room during this time.
- Student Organization storage and offices clean out in preparation for the demolition of that area during the Spring Semester starts.
8’ deep hole dug in the Gasthaus, which will include the demolition of the bar.
It is an exciting morning here at the Union as we have the 1st concrete pour of the project occurring on
Pangaea Mall. Findorff is installing the underground supports for the new generator enclosure that will be
constructed early next year.
Ceremonial Wall-Smash Event, Food, Make Lego keychains, blueprint signing, puzzles and more!