Interim Measures

If you have accused someone of sexual misconduct, you may be entitled to receive some accommodations that will assist you in accessing educational benefits or in continuing to work at UWM. These accommodations are called interim measures because you access them while a complaint is pending. Interim measures are only available after you have made a complaint with enough information to identify both yourself and the respondent (the person you’re alleging engaged in misconduct). While UWM will evaluate the need for interim measures in response to any report, UWM may not be able to implement or continue such measures without conducting an investigation.

Interim measures may include:

  • Housing accommodations
  • Work schedule changes
  • No contact orders
  • Class schedule changes
  • Class assignment extensions
  • Other measures as appropriate

You may work with a Confidential Advocate, or the investigator assigned to your complaint, to identify appropriate interim measures.

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