SSC tutors/SI Leaders will be hosting final exam reviews for the Fall 2024 semester. Please check back to see what select courses our tutors/SI Leaders will be offering a Final Exam Review.

(Section #)
Tutor/SI LeaderFinal Exam Review
Date & Time
Bio Sci 152
Bio Sci 202
Bio Sci 203
Bus Adm 201
Bus Adm 202
Bus Adm 350
Comp Sci 250
Comp Sci 251
Geo Sci 100
Math 92/102
Math 94
Math 98/108
Math 98/108
Math 105
Math 105
Math 115
Math 175
Math 176
Math 208
Math 211
Math 231
Math 232
Psych 101
Psych 210
Spanish 103
Spanish 104