New Field Instructor

If you are interested in becoming a new Field Instructor, please reach out to MSW Field Director Johanna Barkei

Field Instructor Requirements and Responsibilities

Our accreditation body, the Council on Social Work Education requires that: 

  • Field instructors for baccalaureate students hold a baccalaureate or master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and have at least two years of post-social work degree practice experience in social work.  
  • Field instructors for master’s students hold a master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and have at least two years post-master’s social work degree practice experience in social work. 

Our Field program strives to work with instructors for baccalaureate and master’s degree social work students who have a CSWE-accredited baccalaureate or master’s social work degree. Field liaisons have the discretion to arrange Field education practicums on a case-by- case basis with Field instructors who do not hold a CSWE-accredited baccalaureate or master’s social work degree that fits one of the two additional criteria. In these cases, arrangement for supervision by an individual who meets the CSWE requirements for supervision is required. 

Agency Field Instructor

The Agency Field Instructor providing ongoing supervision for a BSW or MSW social work Field student is responsible for providing supervision of all Field practicum-related activities including: 

  1. Assisting the Field student in understanding the structure, mission, goals, and services of the Field agency Provide a minimum of one hour of face-to-face structured supervision weekly; Provide feedback on the development of their social work competencies and needed areas of improvement.
  2. Providing weekly supervision to the student assessing their progress toward competency development and develop a plan for increased responsibilities and assignments. 
  3. Establishing opportunities for the student to engage directly with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and the community. 
  4. Assisting the Field student in learning the agency’s policies and procedures.
  5. Identifying tasks, activities, and assignments including assignments that relate to the Learning Objectives and the ongoing development of the Leaning Plan. 
  6. Supervising, monitoring, and evaluating the Field student’s progress in developing competence as a professional social worker on both a daily basis and on the Midterm Progress Reports and Final Evaluations. 
  7. Assisting the Field student in understanding the NASW Code of Ethics and how it applies in the social work practice setting.
  8. Applying social work values and ethics in identifying and discussing ethical issues related to the Field practicum. 
  9. Assisting the Field student in the integration of theories and concepts learned in the classroom with the tasks and assignments of the Field practicum.
  10. Identifying and providing resources and support within the agency to assist the Field student in successfully completing the requirements of the field practicum. 
  11. Assisting, supervising, and evaluating the Field student’s performance in the development of competence with social work skills in all Field-related areas.
  12. Holding the Field student accountable for professional behavior and to document and report any issues, concerns, or inappropriate behavior demonstrated by the Field student to both the co-Field Instructor and the Field Liaison.
  13. Participating in meetings, workshops, and trainings for the purpose of supporting the practicum experience.
  14. Facilitating a meeting with the student and Field Liaison each semester to discuss the student’s progress in the Field practicum. 
  15. Keeping the assigned Field Liaison informed of the student’s progress, especially related to any concerns about the student’s behavior and competency development.
Co-Field Instructor

The Co-Field Instructor of a social work student is responsible for reviewing and providing supervisory input on the Learning Plan, Midterm Progress Reports, and Final Evaluations, and be available for supervision and consultation  bi-weekly with the Field student and/or Agency Field Instructor providing daily ongoing supervision. 

Co-supervisors are also responsible for ensuring the student receive the social work perspective in their field placement setting.  In addition they may assist in: 

  1. Developing identification as a professional social worker within the Field practicum.
  2. Evaluating the student’s progress in developing competence as a professional social worker.
  3. Understanding the NASW Code of Ethics and how it applies to the Field practicum.
  4. Modeling, discussing, and identifying a social work approach to the tasks and assignments of the Field practicum. 
  5. Applying social work values and ethics in identifying and discussing ethical issues related to the Field practicum.
  6. Assisting the Field student in the integration of theories and concepts learning in the classroom with the tasks and assignments of the Field practicum.
  7. Holding the Field student accountable for professional behavior and to document and report any issues, concerns, or inappropriate behavior demonstrated by the Field student to the agency Field Instructor providing daily ongoing supervision and the Field Liaison. 
  8. Participating in meetings, workshops, and trainings for the purpose of supporting the practicum experience.

Field Course Objectives

Field Instructor Resources

Coming soon

Deadlines for Submitting Field Applications

Fall Semester: May 15th
Outside of Milwaukee County, Veteran’s Administration, and School Social Work: February 15th

Spring Semester: September 15th

Summer Semester: February 15th