Admission Statistics (students who started these years)

 2021202220233-Year Average
Number accepting admission:26272726.67
Total number of applicants with complete/eligible files:213218169200
Number offered admission initially (not including waitlist):83566166.67
Number waitlisted who received offers:0222114.33
CSD Major GPA of those accepting admission (mean ave):3.933.923.783.88
Overall GPA of those accepting admission (mean ave):3.803.833.683.77
GRE Percentile Rank (V%+Q%+A%/3; those accepting admission) mean ave:N/AN/AN/A

Student Outcome Data (by graduation year)*

 2020-20212021-20222022-20233-Year Average
Number who completed the program:27302627.33
Number who finished on time*27 (100%)29 (97%)26 (100%)27 (99%)
Number who passed the Praxis exam on the 1st try:27 (100%)30 (100%)24 (92%)27.00 (97%)
* = students who did not have to extend their program due to academic or clinical reasons

Updated 7/2/2024

Completion statistics are not based on the same students as the Admission statistics because those who started within the past two years still have their programs in progress, so data is not yet available. Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Shelley K. Lund, PhD, CCC-SLP, at with any questions.