Publications 2006

2006 Publications

ATOMS Project. (2006). ATOMS Project technical report – N=1 assistive technology (AT) outcomes summit – May 3, 2006. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Re-examining the role of assistive technology in learning. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Closing the Gap, 25(5), 10-11, 26.

Edyburn, D. L. & Robyler, M. D. (2006). Technology in special education. In M.D. Robyler (Ed.), Integrating educational technology into teaching (4th ed.)  (pp. 407-424). Upper Sadle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Failure is not an option: Collecting, reviewing, and acting on evidence for using technology to enhance academic performance. Learning and Leading With Technology, 34(1), 20-23. 

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Cognitive prostheses for students with mild disabilities: Is this what assistive technology looks like? Journal of Special Education Technology21(4), 62-65.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Student performance data: Extracting meaning has never been easier. Journal of Special Education Technology21(3), 52-54.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Searching for evidence of effectiveness of assistive or instructional technology interventions. Journal of Special Education Technology21(2), 74-78.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Online survey tools. Journal of Special Education Technology21(1), 51-53.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). Evaluating academic performance: With and without technology. MACUL Journal26(4), 26-27, 48.

Edyburn, D. L. (2006). What’s new concerning assistive technology outcomes in education? Technology Special Interest Section Quarterly, 16(2), 1-4.

Fennema-Jansen, S., Whyte, F., Smith, R. O., Brayton, A., & Jansen, C. (2006). ATOMS Project technical report – Methods to identify assistive technology device use. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Fennema-Jansen, S. A., Binion, M., Edyburn, D. L., & Smith, R. O. (2006). Making a large database available for assistive technology research. Proceedings of the RESNA 29th International Conference on Thriving in Challenging Times: The Future of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology.

Lauer, A., Rust, K. L., & Smith, R. O. (2006). ATOMS Project technical report – Factors in assistive technology device abandonment: Replacing “abandonment” with “discontinuance”. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Mendonca, R. & Smith, R. O. (2006). MED-AUDIT (Medical Equipment Device-Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool): Usability analysis. Proceedings of the RESNA 29th International Conference on Thriving in Challenging Times: The Future of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology. 

Noll, A., Owens, L., Smith, R. O., & Schwanke, T. D. (2006). Survey of state vocational rehabilitation counselor roles and competencies in assistive technology. WORK: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation, 27(4) 413-419. 

Noll, A. & Schwanke, T. D. (2006). Vocational rehabilitation counselors perception of role and competencies in assistive technology. Proceedings of the RESNA 29th International Conference on Thriving in Challenging Times: The Future of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology. 

Olson, C. H. (2006). Taxonomy for classifying writing devices used by students with learning disabilities. Proceedings of the RESNA 29th International Conference on Thriving in Challenging Times: The Future of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology. 

Rust, K. L. & Smith, R. O. (2006). Perspectives of outcome data from assistive technology developers. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (electronic journal), 3(1),34-52. Available online: Copy).

Silverman, M. & Smith, R. O. (2006). Consequential validity of an assistive technology supplement for the School Functional Assessment. Assistive Technology, 18(2)155-165. 

Smith, R. O., Rust, K. L., Jansen, C., & Seitz, J., (2006). ATOMS Project technical report – The ICF in the context of assistive technology (AT) interventions and outcomes. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Smith, R. O., Seitz, J., Jansen, C., & Rust, K. L. (2006). ATOMS Project technical report – Models and taxonomies relating to assistive technology. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: