Courses Offered

Nonprofit Management Courses

BUS ADM 766 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Explores ways in which non-business organizations such as hospitals, quasi-governmental agencies and educational institutions utilize marketing concepts and techniques in fulfilling their objectives.

BUSMGMT 718 Concepts and Practice of Nonprofit Management
3 cr. Graduate.
Characteristics and formation of nonprofit organizations; building effective boards of directors; board roles and responsibilities; conflicts of interest; evaluating nonprofit performance; grant writing, foundations, and fund-raising.

BUSMGMT 721 Fundraising and Development for Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Philosophical thoughts on development; basics of fundraising; strategic planning and implementation.

BUSMGMT 724 Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Financial and managerial accounting topics for the nonprofit sector; relationship of these topics to finance, the legal environment of nonprofits, and mission of the organizations.

NONPROF 705 Professionals and Volunteers in Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar in techniques of management of professionals and volunteers in nonprofit organizations.

NONPROF 725 Governance of Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Roles and responsibilities of governing boards and executive leaders. Critical review of alternative governance and executive leadership models. Counts as repeat of BusMgmt 725 and Pub Adm 958 w/same title.

NONPROF 740 Executive Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations
3 cr. Graduate.
Nonprofit administration course designed to prepare students for a career in leadership and executive rules in nonprofit organizations. Counts as a repeat of Pub Adm 958 w/same topic.

NONPROF 795 Introduction to Nonprofit Revenue Streams and Portfolios
3 cr. Graduate.
Trends and issues surrounding nonprofit finance in an attempt to sketch a portrait of nonprofit finance theory.