UW-Milwaukee RN to BS in Nursing has been ranked in the top 25 of all RN to BSN programs in the US by TopRNtoBSN.com.
The College of Nursing at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program (BSN) completion degree for those who hold a Registered Nurse (RN) license. The online RN to BSN degree program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the State of Wisconsin Board of Nursing.
The UW-Milwaukee RN-BS in Nursing program has three curriculum delivery modes: face-to-face, online BSN at Home, or the UW-FLEX Option. Students can enroll full-time or part-time. Students enjoy the ability to move in and out of what mode best fits their learning style and life needs.
Nicole Simonson, director of RN-to-BSN completion programs and clinical associate professor shared, “I am so proud of UW-Milwaukee’s commitment to innovative programming in our BSN completion programs. It is an honor to have our program recognized at this level. Our students and alumni are impacting the profession of nursing daily through patient interactions, quality improvement projects and community health education. “
Learn more about the UW-Milwaukee RN to BS in Nursing at https://uwm.edu/nursing/academics/rn-bs/.