
Initial funding for the Collaboratory was provided the National Sciences Foundation (NSF), Partnerships for Innovation Program. The Collaboratory is supported by:

  • fees from corporate members who receive specific privileges as described below
  • part of the registration fees collected from participants of the micros-spectroscopy symposium and associated workshop organized by the Collaboratory
  • user facility fees
  • overhead return from grants

Academic Research Members

The UWM Small Business Collaboratory is broadly accessible to academic researchers who participate on a limited basis in certain activities of the Collaboratory on a non-fee-paying basis.

Corporate Members

Participants that join the Collaboratory as “Corporate Members” and pay associated fees receive the benefits depending on their membership level. The Research Advisory Board meets at least annually (typically in conjunction with a Symposium) to identify research directions, and review progress of the Collaboratory. Decisions on which research will be pursued will ultimately be made by UWM, depending on funding available and alignment with its overall research strategy and goals. Information about corporate membership is available from our Business Manager.

Membership in the Collaboratory

For membership information, please contact:

Professor Valerică Raicu
UWM Department of Physics