Congratulations, Class of 2024!

The College of Letters & Science is proud to recognize the hundreds of our students who graduated in May at the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony. Not only have our students earned their degrees; our undergraduate students started their college careers …

Urban Studies students shine at Research Forum

Urban Studies Programs’ 26th Annual Student Research Forum took place at the Milwaukee City Hall Rotunda on May 3 and showcased student research poster presentations. The event also featured a panel discussion with elected and city officials and community leaders …

UWM biologist works to protect endangered seals, starting with their genes

Hawaiian monk seals are one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals. Only about 1,600 individuals still exist in the wild. They are threatened from multiple angles. Overhunting has decimated their historic population. Overfishing has threatened their food source. They’re …

NSF program helps students with disabilities Tap Into STEM

Jillian Cervantes, who is graduating this month with a major in Mathematical Sciences, is described by her mentors as a gifted mathematician and a talented teacher. She also has ADHD. She didn’t receive her diagnosis until she was an adult, …

A career exposing cons: Communication alum shares her wisdom

Nine years ago, Lisa Schiller was featured in the September 2015 edition of In Focus. It was so long ago that the issue is no longer archived online. Schiller talked about her job as the Director of Investigations and Media …

Conservation student blazes a trail as a wildland firefighter

Over the past decade, wildfires have become more common and more severe. The Camp Fire in California in 2018 destroyed the towns of Paradise and Concow and was the costliest natural disaster in the world that year. Last year, Wisconsin …

Celebrate the 2024 solar eclipse with the UWM Planetarium!

Don’t miss your chance to view the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024— it will be the last one visible in the U.S. until 2044! A solar eclipse represents an intricate dance between the sun, moon, and Earth. The study …

Documentary produced by UWM alum wins Academy Award

A UWM alum is now a two-time Oscar winner. Josh Rosenberg, a 2007 graduate in broadcast journalism, is one of the producers of “The Last Repair Shop,” which won an Academy Award on March 10 for documentary short film. “The …