For frogs, the mating competition is fierce

In the wild, frog romance is a raucous affair. When it’s time to mate, the female Eastern gray tree frog makes her way to the pond, when there could be hundreds of potential suitors, each calling to her in loud …

For songbirds, bigger, brighter might be better

Welcome back to Wisconsin to the common yellowthroat. Found throughout much of North America in breeding season, the male common yellowthroat features a distinctive “witchety-witchety-witchety” sound that even the most novice of birders might recognize. But females might be attracted …

From Batman to Hera, student research shines at Beastly Conference

What do Batman, the Greek monster Argos, and a fictional flesh-eating virus have in common? They were all the subjects of some frightfully wellresearched presentations at UWM’s Beastly Conference in May. The Beastly Conference is becoming an annual tradition in …