- smilli@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4382
- Curtin Hall 794
Simonetta Milli Konewko
- Associate Professor, Global Studies (Italian program)
- PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2007
- Laurea, Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Urbino (Italy), 1990
Teaching Interests
- Contemporary Italian Literature and Culture
- Holocaust studies
- Italian folklore and popular culture
Research Interests
- Neorealist literature and film 19th and 20th century
- Italian literature and culture
- Holocaust studies
- Food studies
- Theories of compassion
- Theories of emotions
Related Activities
- Coordinator of the Italian program
- Advisor for students Majoring and Minoring in Italian
- Faculty Advisor for Circolo Italiano student club
- Coordinator of Italian Immersion Weekends
- Member of the Jewish Studies Advisory Committee
- Chair of the Milwaukee and Madison Italian Film festival USA Committee
- Italian Consular Correspondent at the Consulate General of Italy in Chicago
- Scholarship Chair for the Order of Sons of Italy in America
- Academic Member of the Literature Research Unit and Visual & Performing Arts Research at the Athens Institute for Education and Research
Milli Konewko, Simonetta, translator, Neria Di Giovanni. Around the Dinner Table with Grazia: Food and Cooking in the Works of Grazia Deledda, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Digital Commons, 2020.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta, translator. L'Italia neorealista. Compassione e identità nazionale nel dopoguerra. Carocci. 2018.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta, author. Neorealism and the "New Italy. Compassion in the Development of Italian Identity," New York: Palgrave, 2016.
Selected Publications
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "Gender Emergency: Fear of the Forsaken," Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 13 (4), 215-224. DOI, 1017256/2159-5836/2023.04.001, 2023.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "A Mediterranean participation in the Work of Pietro Bartolo and Lidia Tilotta," Athens journal of Mediterranean Studies, (10) 8, 1-11, 2022.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "Raccontare il neorealismo e la compassione," Rivista di Studi Italiani, 40 (2), 82-95, 2022
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "Pinocchio, the Emotion of Shame and the Influence of Greek Thought," Athens Journal of Humanities & Art, 7 (2), 121-136, 2020.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "Maria Laurino's Were you always an Italian? And the Sound of Southern Italian Dialect," Rivista di Studi Italiani, 37 (2), 232-238, 2019.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. "The Garden of Finzi-Continis, Compassion, and the Struggle to Affirm Identity," Journal of Literature and Ar& Art Studies, 8 (4), 539-552, 2018.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta, "La rappresaglia: Highlighting female identity through compassion and shame," in Thomas Craig and Laura A. Salsini (EDS) Resistance, Heroism, Loss. World War II in Italian Literature and Film (pp. 121-137). Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2018.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Images of work in Collodi’s Pinocchio” Images V. Images of Cultural Values. 5th Annual International Conference. September 2-3, 2015. Istanbul-Turkey Ed. Bernard, Veronika. Images V. Images of Cultural Values. 5th Annual International Conference. September 2-3, 2015. Istanbul-Turkey. . (2016).
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Emanuele Crialese’s Nuovomondo and the Triumph of the Mediterranean Heritage” Athens Journal of Humanities & Art (2015).
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Smoke Over Birkenau and Models of Female Compassion” Rivista di Studi Italiani 31.1 Ed. Verna, Anthony. (2013): 471-490.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “La ciociara: la funzione della compassione come critica sociale” Alberto Moravia e la ciociara. Letteratura. Storia. Cinema Ed. Fàvaro, A.. Salerno, Italy: Salerno, Italy: Sinestesie. (2012): 96-106.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Rossellini’s compassions as social evaluation” Journal of Literature and Art Studies 2.7 (2012): 683-690.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Survival in Auschwitz and Compassion Bonds in the Camps” Holocaust and Modernity 2. Ed. Tyaglyy, Mikhail. (2011): 13.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Виживання в Аушвіці" та узи співчуття у таборах (Survival in Auschwitz and Compassionate Bonds in the Camps)” Holocaust and Modernity 2.9 (2011): 30-53.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “Functions of Compassion in Natalia Ginzburg’s Representation of Traditional Family and Extended Communities” Rivista di Studi Italiani 29.1 Ed. Verna, Anthony. (2011): 110-127.
Milli Konewko, Simonetta. “L’Agnese va a morire and Meanings of Compassion in the Female Partisans’ Struggle against German Nazis and Italian Fascists” Forum Italicum 44.2 Ed. Mignone, Mario. (2010): 385-404.