Scholarship for UWM Japanese majors announced

We are pleased and excited to share an announcement from our friends at Anime Milwaukee!

ECPS is committed to the enrichment and betterment of the greater Milwaukee. One way of doing so is through the promotion of foreign language learning and greater cultural awareness and sensitivity. Anime Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s premier Japanese animation and pop-culture event hosted by ECPS, would not have been possible had it not been for UW-Milwaukee and the Japanese program. ECPS wishes to give back to the Japanese program in order to encourage students to explore other languages and cultures, to not only enrich themselves, but their communities and the world at large. ECPS will offer a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to the winner of the Japanese Language Speech Contest at UW-Milwaukee, to be presented at the end of the contest by an ECPS representative.

Many thanks to ECPS for your ongoing support of Japanese at UWM!