Culture Courses

JAPAN 100 Introduction to Japanese Literature
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Survey of Japanese literature from the Heian Period to the present day.

JAPAN 110 Japanese Popular Culture
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Elements of popular culture that have come to define modern-day Japan. In English.

JAPAN 221 Japanese Film: Themes and Methods
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Major films representing milestones in Japanese film history, from the 1930s to the turn of the twenty-first century.

JAPAN 331 Reading Japanese Short Stories
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Introduction to Japanese short stories to improve reading skills, vocabulary, and understanding of Japanese culture.

JAPAN 332 Extensive Reading in Japanese
1 cr. Undergraduate.
Reading practice utilizing easy readers, children's books, manga, and novels. Counts as repeat of JAPAN 299 with similar topic. May be retaken with change in topic to 3 cr max.

JAPAN 345 Japanese News Media
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Training in reading and consuming Japanese news media in a variety of formats.

JAPAN 351 Japanese Performance Traditions
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Japanese performance of drama and comedy from noh and kabuki to modern performance.

JAPAN 352 Japanese Performance Traditions: Readings
1 cr. Undergraduate.
Readings in Japanese performance texts from medieval noh scripts to modern Japanese theater.

JAPAN 355 Seminar in Japanese Literature and Culture:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Readings and discussion in English on selected topics in Japanese literature and culture.

JAPAN 361 Translating Japanese Media
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Development of the vocabulary, grammar knowledge, translating skills, and cultural sensitivities necessary to produce viable translations.

JAPAN 416 Introduction to Translation: Japanese to English
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Basic skills for translating texts from Japanese to English; focus on articles and documents encountered in business, banking, legal, medical, and academic contexts.

JAPAN 441 Business Japanese I
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Language and cultural studies that develop the practical knowledge and skills needed for doing business with Japan.