Course Analytics Dashboard

Availability:Power BI Dashboard Link
Note: To help protect student privacy, this dashboard is limited to people who have existing access to OBIEE. To learn more about requesting access to OBIEE, please click here.
Description:The Course Analytics Dashboard includes a revamped version of OAIR's Section Attrition & Grade Report and additional interactive tools for analyzing grade distributions and DFW rates for selected courses and student populations over time.

Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data and are therefore expected 1) only to access such data if they have a legitimate educational reason for doing so, and 2) to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such data, for example, redacting cell sizes less than or equal to 5 if the data will be shared outside of UWM.
Production Schedule:Updated continuously as new data become available.
Data Source:Data warehouse. Additional details are provided in the "Notes" tab in the dashboard.
Change Log:6/19/2024: Updated with Spring 2024 data. Issue with duplicate grade records corrected (impacted a small number of records). GER filter added. Notes section updated with a description of who is included in the dashboard.

3/6/2024: Class Headcount filter renamed to Class Section Headcount. Class DFW Rate filter renamed to Class Section DFW Rate. These changes are intended to more clearly reflect what these filters represent.

1/19/2024: Updated to reflect 2030 realignment. Updated to include most recent data.