- hiris@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6835
- Northwest Quadrant D 2985
Iris Xie
- Professor, School of Information Studies
- PhD, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University
- MLIS, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama
- MIS, Information Institute, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
- BS, School of Library and Information Studies, East China Normal University
Dr. Xie is a Professor in the School of Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her research interests and expertise focus on interactive information retrieval, human-computer interaction, digital library development and evaluation, information seeking/searching and user studies, and eye-tracking analysis. Her research is highlighted in her two authored books, “Interactive Information Retrieval in Digital Environments" (2008), and, “Discover Digital Libraries: Theory and practice" (2016, with Krystyna Matusiak). Her research projects include "Create Digital Library Design Guidelines on Accessibility, Usability and Utility for Blind and Visually Impaired Users," awarded by the IMLS National Leadership Grant, “Universal Accessibility of Digital Libraries: Design of help mechanisms for blind users,” awarded by OCLC/ALISE grant, and "Universal Accessibility and Usability of Digital Libraries in the Mobile Environment: Developing design guidelines for blind and visually impaired users" funded by UWM Discover and Innovation Grant. Her other digital library related research projects range from multifaceted evaluation of digital libraries to social media applications in digital libraries. She has a strong publishing record in the field of library and information science. She applied both qualitative and quantitative methods into her research projects. Her paper “Dimensions of tasks: Influences on information-seeking and – retrieving process” published in Journal of Documentation was a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence; another paper “Haze in the digital library: design issues hampering accessibility for blind users” published in The Electronic Library received one more High Commended Award at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence; a paper collaborated with her colleagues “On the consistency and features of image similarity” received IIix best conference paper award.
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses
INFOST 501: Foundations of Library and Information Science
INFOST 550: Introduction to Information Science
INFOST 571: Information Access and Retrieval
INFOST 632: Microcomputers for Information Resources Management
INFOST 682: Digital Libraries
INFOST 782: Information Systems: Analysis and Design
INFOST 902: Theoretical Foundations of Information Studies (co-teach with other faculty members)
INFOST 903: Qualitative Research Methods
INFOST 970: Doctoral Seminar in Information Retrieval (co-teach with other faculty members)
Undergraduate Courses
INFOST 230: Organization of Knowledge
INFOST 330: Electronic Information Retrieval Systems
INFOST 490: Senior Capstone
Sample Publications
Xie, I., Joo, S. & Matusiak, K. (2020) Digital Library Evaluation Measures in Academic Settings: Perspectives from scholars and practitioners. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science.
Xie, I., Babu, R., Lee, T., Castillo, M., You, S. & Hanlon, A. (2020). Enhancing usability of digital libraries: Designing help features to support blind and visually impaired users. Information Processing and Management, 57(3), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2019.102110
Du, J.T., Xie, I. & Waycott, J. (2020). Marginalized communities, emerging technologies, and social innovation in the digital age: Introduction to the special issue. Information Processing and Management, 57(3), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102235
Xie, I & Stevenson, J. (2019) @Digital Libraries: Harnessing Twitter to Build Online Communities. Online Information Review, 43 (7). 1263-1283.
Xie, I, Joo. S. & Matusiak, K. (2018). Multifaceted Evaluation Criteria of Digital Libraries in Academic Settings:Similarities and Differences from Different Stakeholders. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44, 854-863.
Chen, J., Wang, D., Xie, I & Lu, Q (2018). Image annotation tactics: transitions, strategies and efficiency. Information Processing and Management, 54, 985-1001.
Xie, I., Babu, R., Castillo, M. & Han, H. (2018) Identification of factors associated with blind users’ help-seeking situations in interacting with digital libraries. Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(4), 514-527.
Xie, I., Joo, S., & Bennett‐Kapusniak, R. (2017). User Involvement and System Support in Applying Search Tactics. Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(5),1165-1185.
Babu, R. & Xie, I. (2017). Haze in the Digital Library: Design issues hampering accessibility for blind users. The Electronic Library, 35(5),1052-1065.
Sabbar, C. & Xie, I. (2016). Language in the Information Seeking Context: A Study of U.S. scholars using non-English Sources. Journal of Documentation,72(1), 103-126.
Xie, I., Babu, R., Joo, S. & Fuller, P. (2015). Using digital libraries non-visually: understanding the help seeking situations of blind users. Information Research, 20(2), paper 673. Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/20-2/paper673.html