June 2021 – December 2021
The Wisconsin Public Child Welfare and Home Visiting Data Project was a rapid cycle analysis conducted to help inform Wisconsin’s IV-E service planning process. Using eight years of administrative records, we examined the risk profiles of families who received a screened-in CPS report during their time in home visiting. The findings indicate that home visiting programs in Wisconsin serve families at elevated risk of CPS-involvement– a priority population for these programs. Among caregivers in home visiting, CPS-involvement was associated with higher levels of multigenerational adversity. The project’s unique rapid cycle approach was designed in iterative phases, where ICFW researchers and DCF child welfare experts met to refine the next set of research questions. This process ensured the results could be quickly translated into meaningful information for decision makers.
Colleen Janczewski
Josh Mersky
ChienTi Plummer Lee
Wisconsin Department of Children and FamiliesPartners
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families