Strong and Stable Families

It is well known that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are highly prevalent and harmful.  There is growing interest in understanding how protective factors and positive experiences help children and families adapt to adversity.  Strong and Stable Families is a survey research project that aims to identify protective factors that reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect in Wisconsin households. In partnership with the Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board, ICFW plans to collect data from 2,500 parents in Wisconsin.  Some will be randomly selected from the general population, and others will be recruited from Family Resource Centers that help families access an array of services and community resources. In addition to protective factors, we will gather information on social determinants, adverse and positive life experiences, health and well-being, and family demographics. Baseline data collected during phase 1 of the project may contribute to a longitudinal assessment of benefits associated with FRC participation.

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