Two new ICFW papers uncover the intergenerational consequences of trauma.
ICFW predoctoral fellow, Anthony Gómez, headed a study that called attention to the lasting effects of maternal incarceration on children’s social and emotional development.
- Gómez, A. Mersky, J. P., Plummer Lee, C., Zhang, L., Shlafer, R. J., & Jackson, D. B. (2023): The long arm of maternal incarceration. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
Dr. Colleen Janczewski, ICFW policy and practice analyst, showed that childhood adversity predicts adult experiences of domestic violence and involvement in the child welfare system.
- Janczewski, C. E., Mersky, J. P., & Lee, C. P. (2023). Intergenerational transmission of child protective services involvement. Child Abuse & Neglect.