Professor and Institute for Health & Equity Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
John Meurer, MD, MBA is Professor and Director of the Medical College of Wisconsin Institute for Health & Equity. The mission of the Institute is to improve health and advance equity through research, education, and shared expertise by working collaboratively with local, national and global communities.
Dr. Meurer is a general pediatric clinician-educator and is academically recognized for his achievements in community-engaged research. He has a national reputation for research to improve childhood asthma and advance early childhood development and community-engaged health systems research. He has been a collaborative and transformative steward and leader of 25 Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin projects including 5 recently focused on improving early childhood developmental care systems.
He holds a medical degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, completed his residency at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, attained a master of business degree from Northwestern University, and was a fellow with the David Winston Program, Washington DC.