Additional Pay

Page Contents

Additional Pay Form

Prior Pay

Prior Pay is processed by one of two different methods, depending on which type of pay it is. Additional pay is put through the electronic workflow while salaried pay is processed via a manual payline by the UW Service Center. Below is a breakdown the two types of prior pay and how they are processed.

Prior Pay
Missed Pay Retro Pay
What Lump Sums
FTE/Salary Rate Changes
Late Salary Hire/Term
Late Leave Payouts
How Direct Entry into HRS Additional Pay form to Central HR from Div/Hub
Who Divisions/Hub Central HR
Where Workflow Spreadsheet to Service Center

UWM Specific Criteria for Additional Pay

  • Lump sums, overloads, and international awards are set up under independent records in HRS.
  • Lump sums, overloads, and international awards are set up as A-basis positions.
    • Use A-basis effective dates.
  • UWM does not use sequence numbers other than #1.
    • Group multiple payments in one month together.

      Ex: In October – EE should receive $100 for class A, $150 for class B, $125 for class C. Single payment of $375.

Entering Additional Pay into HRS

  1. Check Job Data
    1. Is the job active for the days being paid?
    2. Is the job under the correct department?
    3. Is the job a lump sum position or hourly/salaried?
    4. Is the job under the correct pay group?
  2. Check TL Security Setup
    1. Additional Pay record must have TL Security set up before entry is possible.
    2. Level 1 Approvers must be listed under the approver section of TL Security, not just the PY Coord. section.
  3. Check Create Additional Pay Page

    (Main Menu → Payroll for North America → Employee Pay Data USA → Create Additional Pay)

    1. Check for earning code being entered:

      • If none – No payment entered and fully approved yet.

    2. If earning code is in system, check for payments in the period being paid:

      • Something there – Verify if it is a revision or duplicate.

      • None – No payment entered and fully approved yet for specific period.

  4. Check Workflow Addl Pay Create

    (Main Menu → Payroll for North America → Employee Pay Data USA → Workflow Addl Pay Create)

    1. Check for earning code being entered:

      • None – No payment entered.

    2. If earning code is in system, check for payments in the period being paid:

      • Something there – Verify if it is a revision or duplicate.

      • None – No payment entered.

  5. Enter Payment
    1. Add a New Value:
      1. ID
      2. Record #
      3. Earnings Code
      4. Effective Date

        • First active day in the pay period being paid.

        • Lump sums/overloads/international awards – A-basis.

    2. Inside the Request:
      1. Earnings Code – pulled in from previous page
      2. Effective Date – pulled in from previous page
      3. Addl Seq Nbr – 1

        • UWM does not use multiple sequence numbers.

      4. End Date – last active day in period being paid
      5. Earnings – per check amount
      6. Hours – Only used for Faculty Sabbatical

        • Full-year Sabbatical @ 35% = 61.6 hours

        • Prorated for part-time employees.

      7. Goal Amount
        1. Prior period payments must be broken up into individual submissions.
        2. Equal Current and future payments can be grouped together.
        3. Unequal current and future payments cannot be grouped together and must be broken up into individual submissions.
      8. Description

        At the very minimum, give an explanation of what the payment is for and a breakout if grouping multiple payments together for a month.

        Ex: ‘Fall 2018 courses 212-001 ($2501.36) and 315-006 ($1806.87)’

Revising Additional Pay

Fully Approved Before 1st Batch Process Load

Submit new request with next open effective date.

Ex: 11/01/20XX-12/31/20XX, Original request → $1000 per check, $2000 total

  1. Both months are current/future and being updated with same amounts

    New request, Use 11/02/20XX → $1500 per check, $3000 total

  2. Both months are current/future and have different amounts
    1. Break request up
    2. New request, Request 1 – Use 11/02/20XX → $1500 per check, $1500 total
    3. New request, Request 2 – Use 12/01/20XX → $2000 per check, $2000 total
  3. Later month being updated

    New request, Use 12/01/20XX → $2000 per check, $2000 total

Fully Approved After 1st Batch Process Load

There is a clearly defined cut off point for processing current pay within the additional pay workflow process, the 1st batch process load. Once this deadline has passed, HRS will not process current additional pay as normal. Instead, HRS will process current period payments as a payline. This means that late revisions for the current month, approved between the 1st batch process load and the check confirm, will cause double-payments unless the Service Center is notified so they can manually turn the original payment off.

It is extremely important that all entry and approval is done before the 1st batch process load to ensure timely and accurate payments. If revisions are approved late, you must email so Payroll can notify the Service Center.

Submit new request with next open effective date

Ex: 11/01/20XX-12/31/20XX, Original request → $1000 per check, $2000 total

  1. Both months are current/future and being updated

    1. Break request up (current month now processed as payline and should only be for difference owed to EE)
    2. New request, Request 1 – Use 11/02/20XX → $500 per check, $500 total ($1000 already paying, $500 owed to EE)
    3. New request, Request 2 – Use 12/01/20XX → $1500 per check, $1500 total
  2. Later month being updated

    New request, Use 12/01/20XX → $2000 per check, $2000 total

Editing Denied Additional Pay (Revising Additional Pay – Not Fully Approved)

  1. Review comments for denied submission in Workflow

    If the earnings code or effective date is incorrect – submit new request

  2. Click ‘Correct History’
  3. Make necessary change
  4. Update the description to add what change was made
  5. Resubmit

Canceling Additional Pay

Not Fully Approved

Have approver deny request.

Fully Approved but Not Processed

Submit new request.

  1. Earnings Code – pulled in from previous page
  2. Effective Date – first open day in pay period you are stopping the payment for
    1. Ex: Stopping single current/future payment

      effective 10/01/20XX → Use 10/2/20XX

    2. Ex: Stopping later month within a multi-period request

      effective 10/01/20XX-12/31/20XX → Use 11/01/20XX or 12/01/20XX

  3. Addl Seq Nbr – 1
  4. End Date – same day as effective date
  5. Earnings – leave blank
  6. Goal Amount – leave blank
  7. OK to Pay box – uncheck
  8. Description – give reason for cancellation
    1. Ex: No longer working in October

    2. Ex: Incorrect earnings code, new request submitted

Faculty Sabbatical

(Used to gross up taxable wages for WRS calculations and SL earned to full amount)

  1. Check Job Data
    1. Is the faculty sabbatical entered and the FTE lowered by the correct percentage?
  2. Check TL Security Setup
    1. Additional Pay record must have TL Security set up before entry is possible.
    2. TL Security should have both the normal approvers for leave as well as the divisional Level 1 approvers. It’s recommended that the regular approvers are notified of the pending entry and that no action on their part is required.
  3. Check Workflow Addl Pay Create

    (Main Menu → Payroll for North America → Employee Pay Data USA → Workflow Addl Pay Create)

    1. Check for earning code being entered.
    2. If earning code is in system, check for payments in the period being paid.
  4. Enter Payment
    1. Add a New Value:
      1. ID
      2. Record #
      3. Earnings Code: USB
      4. Effective Date

        • C-basis dates – Sabbatical is tacked onto primary FA position.

    2. Inside the Request:
      1. Earnings Code – pulled in from previous page
      2. Effective Date – pulled in from previous page
      3. Addl Seq Nbr – 1

        • UWM does not use multiple sequence numbers.

      4. End Date – last active day in period being paid
      5. Earnings – per check amount
      6. Hours – Must be included to correctly calculate WRS earnings

        • Full-year Sabbatical @ 35% = 61.6 hours

        • Prorated for part-time employees.

      7. Goal Amount
        1. Prior period payments must be broken up into individual submissions.
        2. Equal Current and future payments can be grouped together.
        3. Unequal current and future payments cannot be grouped together and must be broken up into individual submissions.
      8. Description

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