The Center for International Education at UWM has partnerships with institutions of higher learning worldwide. Among these are recently established partnerships with Israeli universities, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Please email Study Abroad Coordinator Sharon Gosz for more information.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The program is based on Ben-Gurion University’s main campus in Beer-Sheva, the gateway to the Negev desert. Students can apply to student at BGU for a semester or the entire academic year. Students also can take the intensive Hebrew language course in the summer and winter. Another short-term study abroad program runs four to six weeks during the summer. For more information, visit www.aabgu.org.
Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Located on the top of a hill overlooking the 3000-year-old city of Jerusalem, the Hebrew University was founded in 1925, years before the creation of the State of Israel. The Hebrew University emphasizes excellence and research and is proud to be part of six Nobel Prizes won by faculty members and graduates of the University over the past few years. The Hebrew University is ranked in the top 100 of world universities. For more information, visit its Office of Overseas Students Admissions.
Milwaukee Jewish Federation

The Kesselman Israel Program Scholarship Fund through the Milwaukee Jewish Federation awards scholarships twice a year to enable Jewish young adults to spend a semester or year in Israel.
MASA Israel Journey
Masa Israel participants are eligible to apply for universal grants and needs-based scholarships. The amount available depends on your age: gap year and study abroad participants receive $1,000 and post-college participants receive $3,000 to $4,500 (depending on the length of the program). Masa Israel also offers eligible participants up to $3,000 in additional needs-based scholarships. For more information, download the scholarship information sheet.
To be eligible for a MASA Israel universal grant, you must:
- Affiliate as Jewish
- Be a graduate of a secondary school and/or between the ages of 18 and 30
- Not have Israeli citizenship OR if you do, you must have left Israel before the age of 14 and have lived outside of Israel for at least four consecutive years prior to receiving your grant.
Students who are not eliglble for other fellowships may apply for support from the Sam & Helen Stahl Center for Jewish Studies for study abroad opportunities related to the field of Jewish Studies. Please email Joel Berkowitz for details.