UWM requires that each program, department, and school or college have a duly constituted body to hear student academic appeals. Each academic unit may decide the composition of its body. For example, a unit might choose to have its executive committee or an existing graduate program committee serve as the appeals body. Others might choose to create a special administrative committee. The critical point is that each academic unit must have an appeals body and describe its functions and composition in its written departmental appeals procedures. Copies of all academic appeal procedures for graduate students and any revisions must be filed with the Provost’s Office, the Graduate School, the Office of the Dean of Students, and the Office of Legal Affairs.
A link to a sample departmental appeal procedure appears below. The procedures across departments may differ somewhat. However, academic appeal procedures must conform to the 3-step procedure delineated above. Department chairs and graduate program representatives are urged to contact the appropriate Associate Dean in the Graduate School or the Office of Legal Affairs about any specific questions or problems concerning their appeal procedures.