Note: All links below go to external sites.
December 2023
Amir Forati, (Ghose)
“Big Data Applications and Challenges in GIScience (Case Studies: Natural Disaster and Public Health Crisis Management)”
August 2023
Sarah Ryniker, (Sziarto)
“Beyond Borders: Representations of Refugees and Place in Clarkston, Georgia”
July 2023
Wei Fan, (Wu)
“Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Combining Multi-Source Social Sensing Data and Remote Sensing Imagery”
August 2022
So Hyung Lim, (Sziarto)
“Governing Diseases and Disasters: Illiberal and Speculative State Governance in Post-authoritarian South Korea”
May 2022
Susan Borchardt, (Choi)
“Baseflow Variability Due to Changes in Climate, Basin Characteristics, and Groundwater Withdrawals in the State of Wisconsin, USA”
August 2021
Gainbi Park, (Xu)
“Vulnerability and Resilience of People and Places to Hurricane Damage in the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts from 1950 to 2018”
December 2020
Minji Kim, (Holifield)
“Placemaking and the Loss of Place: Perceptions of Tourism-Induced Neighborhood Change in South Korea’s Disadvantaged Neighborhoods”
May 2020
Rebecca Wolfe, (Bonds)
“Situating Worker Cooperatives: The Urban, Racial and Gendered Geographies of Cooperative Development in New York City’s Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative
May/August 2019
Nick Schuelke, (Holifield)
“Spatial Dimensions of Drilling Technologies: Controversies over Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in Northern Colorado”
Wei Xu, (Wu)
“Socio-spatial disparities in dementia morality in the United States”
May 2018
Yingbin Deng, (Wu)
“Uncertainty Analysis of Spectral Mixture Analysis of Remote Sensing Imagery”
Yui Hashimoto, (Bonds)
“The Tale of Two Cities: A Feminist Critique of Economic Development and Neoliberal Multiculturalism in Milwaukee”
Yang Song, (Wu)
“Examining Human Heat Stress with Remote Sensing Technology”
May/August 2017
Nicholas Padilla, (Sziarto)
“Thinking with the Global South and Decolonizing Indigeneity: Indigenous and Peasant Struggles to Reclaim Spaces, Identities, and Futures in Cauca, Colombia”
Haijian Liu, (Wu)
“Ash Tree Identification Based on the Integration of Hyperspectral Imagery and High-density Lidar Data”
Hong Zhuo, (Xu)
“Synthesizing Population for Travel Activity Analysis”
May 2016
Wenliang Li, (Wu)
“Large Scale Urban Impervious Surfaces Estimation through Incorporating Temporal and Spatial Information into Spectral Mixture Analysis”
I-Hui Lin, (Wu)
“Assessing the Effect of Parks on Surrounding Property Values Using Hedonic Models and Multilevel Model”
Margaret Pettygrove, (Ghose)
“Food inequities, urban agriculture, and the remaking of Milwaukee, Wisconsin”
May 2015
Ryan Covington, (Holifield)
“Estimating Errors: The Politics of Environmental Impact Assessment along the Savannah River”
Kathleen Williams, (Holifield)
“Relationships, Knowledge, and Resilience: A Comparative Study of Stakeholder Participation in Great Lakes Areas of Concern”
December 2014
Wei Huang, (Day)
“Spatial Dimensions of Tower Karst and Cockpit Karst: A Case Study of Guilin, China”
August 2014
Gregg Culver, (McCarthy)
“Recommitting to the Car? The Politics of Multimodal Transportation in Wisconsin”
May 2014
Isaac Park, (Schwartz)
“Impacts of Spatial, Environmental, and Compositional Differences on Community-Level Flowering Phenology”
December 2013
Jeremy Sorenson, (Bonds)
“Food Fight: Sharing Meals and Confronting Biopolitics in the Disciplinary City”
Rong Yu, (Schwartz)
“Examining Spring and Autumn Phenology in a Temperate Deciduous Urban Woodlot”
May/August 2013
Chengbin Deng, (Wu)
“Small-area Population Estimation: An Integration of Demographic and Geographic Techniques”
August 2012
Patrice Day, (Ghose)
“Access to Spatial Data: the Political Power of Legal Control Mechanisms”
Jonathan Burkham, (McCarthy)
“The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee? A Transnational Analysis of Migration Decline and Immigrant Assimilation”
December 2011
Rama Mohapatra, (Wu)
“Monitoring and Modeling Urban Growth using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies”
May 2011
Richard Shaker, (De Sousa)
“Sustainability, Landscapes, and Human Behavior: The Republic of Moldova Case Study”
Jonathan Matthew Hanes, (Schwartz)
“Examining the Spring Phenology of a Northern Mixed Forest at Multiple Scales”
Geri Weinstein-Breunig, (De Sousa, Frank)
“Exploring Multiple Perspectives of Urban Nature and its Symbolism in Milwaukee, WI”
August 2010
Greg Rybarczyk, (Wu)
“Bicycle Travel Demand Forecasting using Geographic Information Systems and Agent Based Modeling”
May 2010
Sandra Zupan, (Holifield)
“Assessing Environmental Justice and Opportunities for Community Change: Brownfields Redevelopment in Milwaukee’s Inner-city Neighborhoods”
Chris Schroeder, (Kenny)
“Mapping the Contours of Queer Cultural Politics in a Midwestern City: the Case of Toledo, Ohio”
December 2009
Rashi Sharma, (Wu)
“Segmentation and Space-time Dynamics in the Real-estate Market”
August 2009
Wen Lin, (Ghose)
“Social Constructions of GIS in a Non-Western World: the Case of Shenzhen, China”
May 2009
Liang Liang, (Schwartz)
“Landscape Phenology of Wisconsin’s Temperate Mixed Forest”
Falguni S. Mukherjee, (Ghose)
“GIS and Spatial Technologies in Urban Governance”
August 2008
Jeremia Njeru, (Kenny, Heynen)
“‘Donor-driven’ Neoliberal Reform Processes, Political Democratization and the Production of Deforestation in Nairobi”
Lorne Platt, (De Sousa)
“Pastoral and Political Nature: Milwaukee’s Urban Parks as Tamed Wilderness”
Parama Roy, (Kenny, Heynen)
“Urban Environmental Inequality and the Rise of Civil Society: The Case of Walnut Way Neighborhood in Milwaukee”
Deanna Schmidt, (Kenny)
“The (Re)production of Social Space: Community, Homeownership, and Stability, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1970-1990”
December 2007
Jill A. Hapner, (Fredlund)
“Factors Influencing Plant Community Development and Wildlife Use in Small Conservation Wetlands in Southeastern Wisconsin”
May 2007
Keith West, (De Sousa)
“Eco-industrial Parks in the United States: Do Practical Examples Exist and Can They Serve as Models For Brownfield Redevelopment”
May 2006
Jun Luo, (Wei)
“Modeling Urban Growth and Spatial Structure in Nanjing, China with GIS and Remote Sensing”
Harold Perkins, (Heynen)
“Neo-Liberation and the Retrenchment of Public Form of Investment: An Investigation into the Impact of Urban Economic Restructuring on Urban Green Infrastructures”
May 2005
Danlin Yu, (Wei)
“GIS and Spatial Modeling in Regional Development Studies: A Case of Greater Beijing”
December 2004
Sonata Figueroa-Restificar, (Day)
“Developing a framework for sustainable use of Tropical Karst Landscapes: The Case of Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park”
August 2004
Chuanrong Zhang, (Day)
“GIS, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling for Conservation of Stone Forest Landscape in Lunan, China”
May 2003
M. Sean Chenoweth, (Day)
“Developing a Spatial Database for the Interpretation of Karst Landscape & Vegetation in the Jamaican Cockpit Country”
Ruihong Huang, (Wei)
“Object-Oriented GIS Data Modeling for Dynamic Transit Networks”
December 2002
J. Elmo Rawling, III, (Fredlund)
“Quaternary Eolian Deposits and Buried Soils in the White River Badlands, South Dakota”
May 2002
Suparna Chatterjee, (Kenny)
“Refugee Rehabilitation and the Politics of Nation Making in India, 1947-62”
December 1999
Julio Rivera, (Andrews)
“Cartographic Interpretation: Differences Based on Epistemological Beliefs, Expertise and Spatial Ability”
May 1999
Carlos J. Guilbe, (Wei)
“The Globalization of Retail Activites: The Evolution, Expansion, and Spatial Distribution of North American Chain Stores in San Juan, Puerto Rico (1945-1998)”
Francis E. Loetterle, (Andrews)
“Delineation of Light Rail Transit Station Service Areas by Mode of Access Using GIS: A Case Study of the Portland Oregon Banfield LRT Line”
December 1998
Gerald Ottone, (Edwards)
“Landscape Change on the Rural-Urban Fringe: Two Wisconsin Townships 1950-1990”
Mofakhkhar Rahman, (Rose, Bayer)
“Abandonment in American Cities: A Cultural-Genetic Study”
August 1998
Rina Ghose, (Kenny)
“A Realtor Runs Through It: Rural Gentrification and the Changing Cultural Landscape of Missoula, Montana”.
August 1997
Tao Tang, (Day)
“Hillslope Forms and Processes on Tower Karst in Guilin, Southwest China”.=
May 1997
Gerald Lennartson, (Schwartz)
“A Synoptic Climatology of Tropospheric Ozone in Eastern Wisconsin”
Miriam Simonds, (Rose, Holzner)
“Resource Ownership and Restructuring in The Northern Peninsula of Michigan”
December 1996
Mark Bockenhauer, (Holzner)
“Stewardship, Pragmatism, and Landscapes of Compromise in America”
December 1995
Michael McAdams, (Rose)
“The Land Use Impact of an Airport: A Case Study of Milwaukee, Wisconsin”
May 1995
Bruce Crew, (Bayer)
“A Structural Framework For British Geo-Political Perceptions Toward Land As Sacred Place: Christian Zionism and The Palestine Question, 1917 to 1939”
May 1994
Bangbo Hu, (Andrews)
“Culture and Maps: Society and Cartography in Chinese Administrative Gazetters of the Song Dynasty (960-1279 A. D.)”
Dalia Varanka, (Andrews)
“The Rise of English World Atlases”
December 1992
Jongwoo Oh, (Day)
“Sinkhole Sediments in the Wisconsin Driftless Area Karst”
Renae Prell, (Edwards)
“Mexican and Mayan Environmentalism: Physical, Politico-Economic, and Cultural Factors that Influence the Environmental Movement in Quintana Roo, Mexico”
August 1992
Thomas Honeyager, (Day)
“The Potential for Timber Wolf Recovery in the Nicolet National Forest”
May 1992
Jeffrey Allender, (Mayer)
“Determining Tourist Flows and Perception During the Initial Growth Phases of a New Tourist Area”
Philip Reeder, (Day)
“Groundwater Contaminant Pathways in a Fractured Dolostone-Clastic Aquifer: Richland County, Wisconsin”.
Kelly Snowden, (Edwards)
“The Impact of the Hudson’s Bay Company on the Exploration Mapping and European Settlement of the Western Interior of Canada”
May 1991
Anthony Ijomah, (Mayer)
“The Role of Major Institutions in the Redevelopment of Chicago’s Near West Side (1940-1990)”
Elizabeth Larson, (Rose)
“Nicaraguan Refugee Absorption in Costa Rica: A Structurationist Perspective”
December 1990
Christopher Baruth, (Harley)
“The United States Lakes Survey: Pattern and Process, 1841 to 1856”
May 1990
Robert Ramraj, (Day)
“An Analysis of Great Lakes Dredging Policy”
Carol Rosen, (Edwards)
“Images of Wisconsin’s Settlement Frontier: 1825-1850”
May 1989
Robert Brinkmann, (Borowiecki)
“Lead Pollution in the Soils of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin”
Paul Erhunmwunsee, (Rose)
“A Study of High Density Multifunctional Periphery Development: The Case of Metropolitan Milwaukee”
May 1988
Mark Francek, (Borowiecki)
“Characteristics of the New York State Drumlin Field”
Peter Lindquist, (Stetzer)
“Traffic Zones Reconsidered: A Geographical Examination of Zonal Restructuring for System-Wide Mass Transit Ridership Forecasting”
August 1987
Kazimierz Zaniewski, (Borowiecki)
“Housing Inequalities Under Socialism: The Case of Poland”
May 1987
David Atone Iyegha, (Holzner)
“The Socio-Economic and Political Institutional Factors Influencing the Present Agricultural Geography in Nigeria”
Keith Muller, (Eidt)
“The Influence of Mechanization on Agriculture in West Parana’, Brazil”
Kurt Piepenburg, (Day)
“The Impact of Coal Mining on Water Quality in Claybank Creek, Northern Missouri”
Augusto Zeferino, (Holzner)
“Location of Public Sector Wholesale Agricultural Marketing Facilities in Southern Brasil”
May 1986
William Woods, (Edwards)
“Prehistoric Settlement and Subsistence in the Cahokia Creek Drainage”
December 1985
Mark Hermanson, (Haglund)
“Lake Ice and Sediment as Factors in the Selection of Water Supplies for Native Arctic Communities”
May 1985
Benjamin Adetiba, (Flannery)
“Effects of Sampling and Data Transformation on the Accuracy of Land-Cover Maps Derived from LANDSAT Imagery Data”
Thomas Williams, (Lydolph)
“The Climatic Impact of Lake Michigan on Air Temperature in the SE Wisconsin-NE Illinois Corridor”
December 1984
Mohammed Ali, (Holzner)
“Health Delivery Systems in Developing Countries: Spatial Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, A Saudi Arabian Case”
Mark Winsor, (Borowiecki)
“Altitudinal Distribution of Granitic Landforms in the South Central Sierra Nevada, California”
May 1984
Craig Reisser, (Holzner)
“Italians in the Urban Landscapes of Nurnberg: A Case Study in Urban Cultural Geography”
December 1983
David Howes, (Flannery)
“The Mapping of an Agricultural Disaster with Landsat MSS Data: The Disruption of Nicaraguan Agriculture 1979”
May 1983
David Block, (Flannery)
“Spectral and Textural Analysis of an Urban Area Utilizing Digital Landsat Data”
Andrew Bond, (Lydolph)
“Norilsk: Profile of a Soviet Arctic Development Project”
Supanee Chalathorn, (Holzner)
“Greater Bangkok: An Analysis in Electoral Geography: 1957-1976”
May 1982
David Miller, (Edwards)
“Mexico’s Near-Shore Caribbean Fishery: The Processes and Consequences of the Accelerating Impact of Development”
December 1981
Ross Goodrich, (Bayer)
“Application of the Thornthwaite and Blaney-Criddle Methods of Estimating Irrigation Water Needs: A Problem of Scale”
May 1981
James Coffman, (Borowiecki)
“Relict Valley Asymmetry in the Pleistocene Periglacial Zone of Southeastern Ohio”
December 1979
Leon Pettiway, (Rose)
“A Geographical Description of Robbery and Burglary Offense Locations in Milwaukee County”.
December 1978
Rahim Khavidi, (Mayer)
“Low Income Public Housing and Neighborhood Development in the City of Teheran, Iran, A Geographical Perspective”
August 1978
Paul Stoelting, (Borowiecki)
“Esker Systems of Eastern Wisconsin”
May 1978
Steven Pease, (Bayer)
“Termination in Mapping of January Insolation Patterns Over Lake Ontario: Testing a New Research Methodology”
Russell Swenson, (Stewart)
“Affective Ties to Place Among Farmers in Cloud Co., Kansas”
May 1977
Howard Bridgman, (Miller)
“The Depletion of Direct Beam Visible Radiation by Aerosols in Urban and Rural Air at Milwaukee”
Curt Richards, (Rose)
“Differential Traffic Changes on Transit Routes in Milwaukee 1950-1975”
August 1976
Abhaya Attanayake, (Rose)
“The Housing Dilemna: A Survey of the Problems of Housing in the City of Colombo, Sri Lanka”
Thomas Corsi, (Mayer)
“A View of Real and Potential Energy Shortages: An Analysis of Household Decision-Making Strategy Under Stress and Uncertainty”
May 1976
Chandra Attanayake, (Rose)
“A Geographical Analysis of Socio-Economic Determinants of Differential Fertility and the Changing Fertility Patterns in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1963 and 1971”
Cecil Keen, (Lyons)
“Trajectory Analysis of Mesoscale Air Pollution on the Lake Michigan Shoreline”
Leonard Pettyjohn, “Factorial Ecology of the Los Angeles-Long Beach Black Population”. (Rose)
August 1975
Leon Zonn, (Rose)
“Residential Search Patterns of Black Urban Households: A Spatial-Behavioral View”
May 1974
Ann Dretzka, (Holzner)
“The Role of the Central City in the Dispersed Urban Community: A Case Study of Milwaukee, Wisconsin”
Mario Hiraoka, (Eidt)
“Pioneer Settlement in Eastern Bolivia”
December 1973
Michael Thaller, (Haglund)
“Structure and Process in Railroad Network Development Under Competition: The Case of the Granger Railroads”
May 1973
John Weihaupt, (Zakrzewska-Borowiecki)
“A Morphometric Study of the Floodplains of White River and Bayou Bartholomew, Arkansas and Louisiana”
August 1972
William Davidson,(Edwards)
“Historical Geography of the Bay Islands, Honduras: Anglo-Hispanic Conflict in the Western Caribbean”
May 1972
Glenn Frey,(Lydolph)
“The Spatial and Temporal Fluctuations of Precipitation Deficiencies in the United States as determined by an Autoregressive System of Standard Scores”
January 1971
Sr. Dolores Rauch, (Rose)
“The Changing Status of Urban Catholic Parochial Schools: An Explanatory Model Illustrating Demand for Catholic Elementary Education in Milwaukee County”