Film Studies Courses

The following courses are offered by the Film Studies Program. Please see course descriptions.

FILMSTD 111 Entertainment Arts: Film, Television, and the Internet
3 cr. Undergraduate.
History of film, television, and the internet. Focus on economic and aesthetic features of these media and interrelationships among them. Models for critiquing each form.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: ArtHist 111, English 111, & FilmStd 111 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.

FILMSTD 192 First-Year Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Fall 2013.

FILMSTD 205 History of Film I: Development of an Art
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The technology, style, history, and theory of the medium. Aesthetic advances from silent to color and sound films. Contributions of various nationalities and artists.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: ArtHist 205 & FilmStd 205 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.

FILMSTD 206 History of Film II: Development of an Art
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The technology, style, history, and theory of the medium. Aesthetic advances from silent to color and sound films. Contributions of various nationalities and artists.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: ArtHist 206 & FilmStd 206 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.

FILMSTD 212 Intermediate Topics in Film and Television Studies:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Stylistic, generic, historical, or theoretical issues in film and/or television studies.
Prerequisites: sophomore standing or ENGLISH 290(P).
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.

FILMSTD 286 Writing about Film and Television
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Intensive practice and study of the critical and technical elements of writing with emphasis on close reading and writing about media images and narratives.
Prerequisites: grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score at level 4 on EPT.
Course Rules: English 286 & FilmStd 286 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.

FILMSTD 290 Introduction to Film Studies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Analysis of formal, thematic, and generic components of narrative, documentary, and avant garde filmmaking.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: English 290 & FilmStd 290 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.

FILMSTD 291 Introduction to Television Studies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The forms, images, and narratives particular to television.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: English 291 & FilmStd 291 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019.

FILMSTD 292 Classic Dramas in Film:
1 cr. Undergraduate.
A sampling of great plays in film versions, with performances by acclaimed actors.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Offered on a cr/no cr basis. Retakable w/chg in topic to 3 cr max. English 292 & FilmStd 292 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 294 Game Culture
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Critical study of games, digital and otherwise; forms, conventions, and practices that inform design and reception of games; place of games in contemporary culture.
Prerequisites: GER OWC-A.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of English 380 w/same topic. English 294 & FilmStd 294 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.

FILMSTD 295 Women and Film
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A study of the representation of women in narrative, documentary, and avant garde film, television and/or video, including a survey of psychoanalytic theories of spectatorship and feminist analyses of mass culture.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: HU
Course Rules: English 295 & FilmStd 295 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 297 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM-sponsored program before coursework levels, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially-prepared program coursework.
Prerequisites: acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
Course Rules: Retakable w/change in topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Fall 2019, Spring 2018, Fall 2016.

FILMSTD 299 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: none, except as required for specific topic.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.

FILMSTD 305 Film Analysis I: Method and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Film language, critical methods, and theory applied to selected works of film art. Cross-cultural analysis of styles and themes. Study of major film artists.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: ArtHist 305 & FilmStd 305 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 305G Film Analysis I: Method and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Film language, critical methods, and theory applied to selected works of film art. Cross-cultural analysis of styles and themes. Study of major film artists.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: ArtHist 305 & FilmStd 305 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 306 Film Analysis II: Method and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Film language, critical methods, and theory applied to selected works of major national film artists. Cross-cultural analysis of styles and themes.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: ArtHist 306 & FilmStd 306 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 306G Film Analysis II: Method and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Film language, critical methods, and theory applied to selected works of major national film artists. Cross-cultural analysis of styles and themes.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: ArtHist 306 & FilmStd 306 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 307 Film Directors:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Comprehensive analysis of the technique, style, and themes of specific major film artists. Biographical, cultural, artistic influences on artists' work.
Prerequisites: jr st; ArtHist 205(R) or 305(R).
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. ArtHist 307 & FilmStd 307 are jointly offered; w/same topic they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2016.

FILMSTD 307G Film Directors:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Comprehensive analysis of the technique, style, and themes of specific major film artists. Biographical, cultural, artistic influences on artists' work.
Prerequisites: jr st; ArtHist 205(R) or 305(R).
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. ArtHist 307 & FilmStd 307 are jointly offered; w/same topic they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2016.

FILMSTD 308 Film Styles:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A stylistic analysis of film of major filmmakers made within the structures of particular genres, such as gangsters, musicals, westerns, horror, science fiction and studios.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. ArtHist 308 & FilmStd 308 are jointly offered; w/same topic they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Spring 2014.

FILMSTD 308G Film Styles:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A stylistic analysis of film of major filmmakers made within the structures of particular genres, such as gangsters, musicals, westerns, horror, science fiction and studios.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. ArtHist 308 & FilmStd 308 are jointly offered; w/same topic they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Spring 2014.

FILMSTD 312 Topics in Film, Television and Digital Studies:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Study of stylistic, generic, historical, or theoretical issues in film, television and/or digital studies.
Prerequisites: junior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement, and ENGLISH 290(P).
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 312 and FILMSTD 312 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Summer 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022.

FILMSTD 316 World Cinema:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
National cinemas in first, second, and/or third world nations; relationships among representation, narrative, and social forms.
Prerequisites: jr. st or English 290(P); satisfaction of OWC-A.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. CompLit 316, English 316 & FilmStd 316 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.

FILMSTD 320 Studies in Film and Television Authorship:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The function of authorship in the cinema and/or in television; the roles of producer, director, screenwriter, and star.
Prerequisites: junior standing or ENGLISH 290(P), and satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 320 and FILMSTD 320 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Spring 2018, Spring 2017.

FILMSTD 329 Film and Literature
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Capabilities and limitations of narrative film and literature, emphasizing the distinctiveness of each artistic mode.
Prerequisites: jr st, English 290(P), satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 329 & FilmStd 329 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2020.

FILMSTD 329G Film and Literature
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Capabilities and limitations of narrative film and literature, emphasizing the distinctiveness of each artistic mode.
Prerequisites: jr st, English 290(P), satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 329 & FilmStd 329 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2020.

FILMSTD 330 Film and Drama:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Capabilities and limitations of narrative film and drama, emphasizing the distinctiveness of each artistic mode.
Prerequisites: jr st or English 290(P); satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. English 330 & FilmStd 330 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 350 Global Jewish Film and Television:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Global Jewish identity in its historic and contemporary cultural dimensions through film and media texts, analysis, and criticism.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 350, FILMSTD 350, and JEWISH 350 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.

FILMSTD 380 Media and Society:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of film, television, and/or digital media culture, with attention to class, gender, race, sexuality, nation and the environment.
Prerequisites: junior standing and ENGLISH 290(P) or ENGLISH 291(P) or 6 cr in courses approved for hum breadth cr.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 380 and FILMSTD 380 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.

FILMSTD 380G Media and Society:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of film, television, and/or digital media culture, with attention to class, gender, race, sexuality, nation and the environment.
Prerequisites: junior standing and ENGLISH 290(P) or ENGLISH 291(P) or 6 cr in courses approved for hum breadth cr.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 380 and FILMSTD 380 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.

FILMSTD 383 Cinema, Television, and Genre:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Stylistic and thematic analyses of film and/or television genres (e.g., melodrama, film noir, sitcom). Consideration of writers, directors, producers and stars whose works represent forms of a genre.
Prerequisites: junior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement, and ENGLISH 290(P) or 6 cr in courses approved for hum breadth cr.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 383 and FILMSTD 383 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021.

FILMSTD 383G Cinema, Television, and Genre:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Stylistic and thematic analyses of film and/or television genres (e.g., melodrama, film noir, sitcom). Consideration of writers, directors, producers and stars whose works represent forms of a genre.
Prerequisites: junior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement, and ENGLISH 290(P) or 6 cr in courses approved for hum breadth cr.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 383 and FILMSTD 383 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021.

FILMSTD 390 Classical Film Criticism and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Survey of the history of film theory, with particular attention to developing critical skills in film theoretical writing.
Prerequisites: jr st, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req, English 290(P), & ArtHist 205(P); or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 390 & FilmStd 390 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021.

FILMSTD 390G Classical Film Criticism and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Survey of the history of film theory, with particular attention to developing critical skills in film theoretical writing.
Prerequisites: jr st, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req, English 290(P), & ArtHist 205(P); or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 390 & FilmStd 390 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021.

FILMSTD 391 Television Criticism and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of the forms and representational strategies of television narrative, and the various modes of analysis that may be applied to television viewers and texts.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; English 291(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 391 & FilmStd 391 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.

FILMSTD 391G Television Criticism and Theory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of the forms and representational strategies of television narrative, and the various modes of analysis that may be applied to television viewers and texts.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; English 291(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 391 & FilmStd 391 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.

FILMSTD 392 Contemporary Film Criticism and Theory:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Current issues in film criticism and theory and an exploration of critical perspectives (psychoanalysis, feminism, structuralism, post-structuralism) informing recent debates in film studies.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; English 290(P) or 291(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. English 392 & FilmStd 392 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 392G Contemporary Film Criticism and Theory:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Current issues in film criticism and theory and an exploration of critical perspectives (psychoanalysis, feminism, structuralism, post-structuralism) informing recent debates in film studies.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req; English 290(P) or 291(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. English 392 & FilmStd 392 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.

FILMSTD 393 Entertainment Industries:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
In-depth look at contemporary media industries both in the U.S. and globally. Emphasis on changing content, production and viewing practices.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of OWC-A; English 290(P), English 291(P), or cons instr.
Course Rules: English 393 & FilmStd 393 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another. May be retaken w/change in topic to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.

FILMSTD 394 Theories of Digital Culture:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of theories of digital and new media in relation to cinema, television, literature, and other arts.
Prerequisites: junior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement, and ENGLISH 290(P) or ENGLISH 291(P) or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 394 and FILMSTD 394 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.

FILMSTD 394G Theories of Digital Culture:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of theories of digital and new media in relation to cinema, television, literature, and other arts.
Prerequisites: junior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement, and ENGLISH 290(P) or ENGLISH 291(P) or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 394 and FILMSTD 394 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.

FILMSTD 395 Feminist Media Criticism and Theory:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Theories of representation, spectatorship, and analyses of gender and identity in relation to film, television, and/or digital media.
Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 395 and FILMSTD 395 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.

FILMSTD 412 Global Cinema and Media:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of cinema and media in the context of globalization; cinema and media's changing impact beyond national borders.
Prerequisites: junior standing or ENGLISH 290(P); and satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 412 and FILMSTD 412 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2008.

FILMSTD 412G Global Cinema and Media:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of cinema and media in the context of globalization; cinema and media's changing impact beyond national borders.
Prerequisites: junior standing or ENGLISH 290(P); and satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. ENGLISH 412 and FILMSTD 412 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2008.

FILMSTD 489 Internship in Film Studies, Upper Division
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of advanced principles of film studies in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Prerequisites: jr st; 300-level or above course in FilmStd; 2.25 gpa; cons supervising faculty member.
Course Rules: One cr earned for 40 hrs work. Retakable to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2019.

FILMSTD 497 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM-sponsored program before coursework levels, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially-prepared program coursework.
Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2013, Fall 2011.

FILMSTD 499 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specific enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: jr st; add'l prereqs may be assigned to specific topic.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.

FILMSTD 669 Screening Sexuality:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationship between discourses of sexuality and media artifacts/texts. Historical/theoretical approaches to apprehend construction and representation of sexuality/sexual identities in media.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. Counts as a repeat of ENGLISH 312 with the same topic. ENGLISH 669 and FILMSTD 669 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2012.

FILMSTD 669G Screening Sexuality:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationship between discourses of sexuality and media artifacts/texts. Historical/theoretical approaches to apprehend construction and representation of sexuality/sexual identities in media.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max. Counts as a repeat of ENGLISH 312 with the same topic. ENGLISH 669 and FILMSTD 669 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2012.

FILMSTD 690 Seminar in Contemporary Cinema and Media:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Contemporary theories and criticism of cinema, TV and the Internet since 1960. Approaches considered include semiotics, structuralism, Marxism, feminism, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, queer theory.
Prerequisites: senior standing and ENGLISH 390(P) or ENGLISH 391(P).
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 6 cr max. ENGLISH 690 and FILMSTD 690 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.

FILMSTD 699 Independent Work
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Advanced independent work under the supervision of a Film Studies faculty or instructional academic staff member. Students must submit a study proposal. For more information, consult Film Studies dir or asst dir.
Prerequisites: jr st; 2.0 GPA; consent of instructor, department chair, and Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2021, Fall 2018, Fall 2017.