Tanya Joosten
Director Digital Learning Research and Development
Co-Director National Research Center for Distance Education and Technological Advancements (DETA)
twitter.com/tjoosten | @tjoosten
3230 E Kenwood Ave.
PO BOX 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Ph.D., Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ph.D., ABD, Interdisciplinary, Arizona State University
M.A., Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
B.A., Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tanya Joosten, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist, the Director of Digital Learning Research and Development, and co-PI and co-Director of the National Research Center for Distance Education and Technological Advancements (DETA) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is nationally recognized in her work in blended and online learning as an Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Fellow and works to guide strategic digital learning efforts on campus, across the UW System, and nationally as an advisor to the Provost, a member of the University of Wisconsin System Learning Technology Executive Council, and a member of several national boards and committees.
Currently, Dr. Joosten leads a national research initiative supported by the U.S. Department of Education working to provide access to research models and methods, facilitating innovate processes of data collection, and encouraging the replication of research across institutions through the DETA Research Toolkit to identify key instructional and institutional factors that influence student success with particular attention to underrepresented students.
Dr. Joosten has a background in the social sciences hailing from the field of communication. Her notable keynotes include eLearning Asia, ITC eLearning Conference, and SACS COC President’s event, and her ideas have been highlighted on plenary panels at the UW-Madison Annual Distance Teaching and Learning conference and the OLC International Conference for Online Learning. You can find her ideas and work cited in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Forbes, U.S. News World and Report, and more. Recent interviews with Dr. Joosten are available on ResearchInAction and TOPcast available on iTunes. Her book on social media is available from Wiley Publishing, she has authored numerous articles, chapters, and encyclopedia entries on human and social interactions and digital learning, and she often writes invited blog posts and magazine articles for organizations, such as EDUCAUSE, WCET, Inside Higher Ed, and Pearson.
Dr. Joosten previously worked as the Director of the Learning Technology Center leading faculty development and engagement initiatives, pedagogical and technological innovation projects, core learning technology oversight, and blended and online program development.
Selected publications:
Joosten, T. (2018). Distance education and technological advancements: Special edition (Ed.). Online Learning Journal.
Joosten, T., Cusatis, R., Harness, L., & Wandrey, R. (2018). Student characteristics influencing student success in online courses: A cross-institutional predictive study. Online Learning Journal.
Joosten, T., Cusatis, R., & Harness, L. (2018). Instructional characteristics and quality of courses influencing student success in online courses: A cross-institutional predictive study. Online Learning Journal.
Joosten, T., Cusatis, R., & Harness, L. (2018). Social and academic involvement influencing student success in online courses: A cross-institutional predictive study. Online Learning Journal.
Joosten, T. (2018). Research innovation in distance education. Planning Journal.
Joosten, T. (2017). Three questions for an online leader. Internet Learning Journal.
Joosten, T. (2017). Distance and online learning. In K. Peppler (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning. SAGE Publishing.
Joosten, T. (2017). Distance education. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods. SAGE Publishing.
Joosten, T. (2017). Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods. SAGE Publishing.
Joosten, T. (2017). Blogs and microblogs. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods. SAGE Publishing.
Joosten, T. (2016, March). Research on distance education: Challenges and opportunities. Teaching and Learning Blog. Pearson Education. Retrieved from: http://www.pearsoned.com/blog/higher-education-2/
Joosten, T., & Reddy, D. (2015, October). DETA Research Toolkit. National Research Center for Distance Education and Technological Advancements. Retrieved from: https://uwm.edu/deta/toolkits/
Joosten, T. (2015, April). Research to ensure access and success in higher education. EDUCAUSE Review.
Joosten, T. (March, 2015). The secret is the blend. Beta Blog. Inside Higher Education.
Joosten, T., Barth, D., Harness, L., & Weber, N. (2013). Impact of blended instructional development. In Research perspectives in blended learning. In Blended learning: Research perspectives (Eds. Anthony G. Picciano and Charles D. Dziuban). Taylor and Francis.
Joosten, T., Pasquini, L, & Harness, L. (2013). Guiding institutions use of social media. Planning for Higher Education, 41, 2.
Joosten, T. (2012). Social media for educators. Wiley/Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Kaleta, R., & Joosten, T. (2007). Clickers in the classroom. ECAR Bulletin. EDUCAUSE.
Kaleta, R., Skibba, K., & Joosten, T. (2006). Hybrid teaching experiences and faculty development. In Blended learning: Research perspectives (Eds . Anthony G. Picciano and Charles D. Dziuban). Sloan Consortium: Needham, MA.
Selected featured presentations:
2015, December 1st, Emerging social trends: Consideration in Instructional and Institutional Effectiveness. DET/CHE 30th Anniversary Conference. Monterey, CA. http://conference.detche.com/keynotes.html
2015, October 16th, Closing plenary panel: Shaping the future of online learning: Issues and emerging technologies (w/ Patsy Moskal, Thomas Cavanagh, Marie Cini, and Gerard Hanley). OLC Accelerate. Orlando, FL.
2015, August 13th, Finale panel: Big challenges (w/ Michael Moore, Mark Prensky, Cathy Sandeen, and Nick Floro). Annual Distance and Teaching Learning conference. Madison, WI. http://ics.webcast.uwex.edu/Mediasite7/Play/a507acb8bba145918b9804973132c4a71d
2015, March 23rd, Ensuring access and success through research. Keynote. Quality Matters Annual Conference. Drexel University. Philadelphia, PA. https://www.qualitymatters.org/mid-atlantic-regional-conference-guide/download/Mid%20Atlantic%20Regional%20Conference%20Guide
2014, December 8th, Social media: Transforming the digital future. Keynote. SACS COC President’s event. Nashville, TN.
2014, April 1st, Ensuring Quality and Determining Effectiveness. Plenary/opening presentation. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Spring Focus Session. Online. Retrieved from: http://www.educause.edu/events/online-spring-focus-session-faculty-engagement-and-development
2013, December, 6th, What Happens Next? Post-MOOC Hype. Keynote Panel with Bonnie Stewart, University of Prince Edward Island, and Amy Collier, Stanford. MOOC Research Conference. Arlington, TX. Recording Retrieved from: http://compass.uta.edu:8080/ess/portal/section/ec5e4a97-5396-4bf6-a398-5815a8d46e18.
2013, October 18th, Social Media for Educators. Social Media for Teaching and Learning. Keynote presentation. Pearson. Boston, NY.
2013, February 17th, Transforming Higher Education: Using Social Media to Ignite Students. Keynote. Presented at eLearning 2013. San Antonio, TX. Retrieved from: http://www.itcnetwork.org/elearning-conference/general-session-speakers.html.
2011, June 8th, Social Media for Teaching and Learning. Keynote presentation. Presented at eLearning Asia in Singapore.
2011, March 28th, Plenary panel with Stephen Laster, Harvard, Anthony Picciano, CUNY, and Joel Hartman, UCF. Blended Learning: Past, Present, and Future. Presented at the Sloan-C Blended conference in Oak Brook, IL.
For more visit tanyajoosten.com.