Comparative Ethnic Studies Submajor

Comparative Ethnic Studies is the study of social identity and power. In this program, students will explore the diverse racial and ethnic identities in contemporary society, and the ways that these identities shape national policy and popular culture.

Major Requirements

The Committee Interdisciplinary Major submajor in Comparative Ethnic Studies requires completion of at least 33 credits in approved Comparative Ethnic Studies and Comparative Ethnic-related courses. Students may count towards the major a maximum of 9 credits in a single curricular area outside of Comparative Ethnic Studies. A minimum of 18 credits must be completed in L&S courses, and at least 15 credits must be at the upper-division level (courses numbered 300 and above) taken in residence at UWM. Completion of the College’s research experience in the major is required. ETHNIC 550 or another suitable course approved by the coordinator satisfies this requirement. Students must attain at least a 2.0 GPA on all major credits attempted at UWM. In addition, the College requires that students earn a 2.0 GPA on all credits in the major, including transfer work.

The following are required:

ETHNIC 101The Multi-Racial Origins of American Cultures3
ETHNIC 102Transnational Migrations: People on the Move3
Comparative Methods
Select at least 3 credits from the following: 13
Queer Migrations
Advanced Topics in Comparative Ethnic Studies: (subtitle)
*** 150
Multicultural America 2
Track Electives
Select option A or B below18
ETHNIC 489Internship in Ethnic Studies, Upper Division3
or HMONG 489 Internship in Hmong Studies, Upper Division
ETHNIC 550Senior Seminar in Comparative Ethnic Studies:3
Total Credits33

Students may count a maximum of three courses from this group toward the major requirements.


Offered in the following curricular areas: Anthropology, Art, English, Film, History, Sociology, Urban Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies.

Track Electives

A. Hmong Studies

ETHNIC/HMONG 265Hmong Americans: History, Culture, and Contemporary Life3
ETHNIC 250Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies:3
HIST 287The Vietnam War3
Select nine additional credits in consultation with the Program Coordinator9
Total Credits18

B. Student-Created Focus

Students complete 18 credits selected in consultation with the coordinator from the list of approved courses.

Approved Electives

ANTHRO 203Indigenous Religions3
AFRIC 100Black Reality: Survey of African-American Society3
AFRIC 102Survey of African-American Literature3
AFRIC 111Introduction to African-American History to 18653
AFRIC 112Introduction to African-American History, 1865 to the Present3
AFRIC 125Economics of the Black Community3
AFRIC 163African-American Concept of Self3
AFRIC 205The Poetry of African, African-American, and Caribbean Writers3
AFRIC 210The African-American Novel3
AFRIC 215Introduction to Black Social and Cultural Traditions3
AFRIC 235African Americans and South Africa3
AFRIC 250Black Women and White Women in the Contemporary United States3
AFRIC 261Survey of African-American Political Philosophy3
AFRIC 300Urban Violence3
AFRIC 314The School in African-American Life3
AFRIC 319African American Urban History3
AFRIC 320Black Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean3
AFRIC 322Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social Justice3
AFRIC 334Survey of Black American and Black Brazilian Societies3
AFRIC 341Black Politics and City Government3
AFRIC 344Global Black Social Movements3
AFRIC 350The Black Family3
AFRIC 351Sexuality, Gender, and Health in Africa and the Diaspora3
AFRIC 369Black Images and Mass Media3
AFRIC 372African-American Literary Movements: The Harlem Renaissance3
AFRIC 411Change in African-American Communities3
AFRIC 412Blacks and the United States Constitution3
AFRIC 414The Black Woman in America, Africa, and the Caribbean3
AFRIC 416Race and Social Justice in the United States3
AFRIC 417Race, Class and Gender in Southern Africa3
AFRIC 418Race, Class, and Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean3
AFRIC 420The Political Economy of Slavery3
AFRIC 450Cultural Transmissions: Black Africa and Black America3
AFRIC 451Rites of Passage in Black Societies3
ANTHRO 213American Indian Peoples of Wisconsin3
ANTHRO 225The Aztec Empire3
ANTHRO 310Archaeology of Middle America3
ANTHRO 311The World of the Ancient Maya3
ANTHRO 314American Indian Societies and Cultures3
ANTHRO 320Peoples and Cultures of Africa3
ANTHRO 322Europe in Anthropological Perspective3
ANTHRO 325Japanese Culture and Society3
ANTHRO 326Peoples and Cultures of South Asia3
ANTHRO 328Comparative Studies of Music, Race, and Gender in Nationalism3
ANTHRO 335American Indians of the Southeast3
ANTHRO 355Globalization, Culture, and Environment3
ANTHRO 441Nature, Knowledge, and Technoscience in Anthropological Perspective3
ANTHRO 442Humanitarianism in Global Perspective3
ANTHRO 443Medicine and Pharmaceuticals in the Global Age3
ANTHRO 447The Global Politics of Human Rights3
COMPLIT 365Literatures and Cultures of the Americas:3
ENGLISH 209Language in the United States3
ENGLISH 210Global Englishes3
ENGLISH 276Introduction to American Indian Literature:3
ENGLISH 277Introduction to Ethnic Minority Literature:3
ENGLISH 278Introduction to World Literatures Written in English:3
ENGLISH 279Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature:3
ENGLISH 280Introduction to Asian-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 281Introduction to African-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 285Modern Irish Language and Literature in Translation3
ENGLISH 332LGBTQ+ Literature:3
ENGLISH 372Survey of American Indian Literature3
ENGLISH 373Survey of Ethnic Minority Literature3
ENGLISH 374Survey of U.S. Latino/a Literature3
ENGLISH 375Survey of Asian American Literature3
ENGLISH 376Survey of African-American Literature to 19303
ENGLISH 377Survey of African-American Literature, 1930 to the Present3
ENGLISH 463Writers in African-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 517Studies in African-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 518Studies in Irish Literature:3
ENGLISH 520Studies in American Indian Literature:3
ENGLISH 522Studies in World Literature Written in English:3
ENGLISH 523Studies in U.S. Latino/a Literature:3
ENGLISH 524Studies in Asian-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 631Seminar in African-American Literature:3
ENGLISH 632Seminar in American Indian Literature:3
GEOG 114Geography of Race in the United States3
GEOG 309Nationalities and Nations of the World3
GEOG 410Gendered Geographies3
HIST 175East Asian Civilization to 16003
HIST 176East Asian Civilization Since 16003
HIST 180Latin American Society and Culture3
HIST 210The Twentieth Century: A Global History3
HIST 215History of Capitalism3
HIST 229History of Race, Science, and Medicine in the United States3
HIST 243History of Women in American Society3
HIST 262North American Indian History to 18873
HIST 263North American Indian History Since 18873
HIST 267The History of Latinos in the United States3
HIST 268History of the American West3
HIST 269Asian Americans in Historical Perspective3
HIST 271The 1960s in the United States: A Cultural History3
HIST 287The Vietnam War3
HIST 358The Jews of Modern Europe: History and Culture3
HIST 363Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship3
HIST 364The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-453
HIST 379Introduction to Jewish History3
HIST 380Buddhism: A Cultural History3
HIST 386Africans in World History: Communities, Cultures, and Ideas3
HIST 387Colonization in Africa: A History of Resistance and Adaptation3
HIST 392The History of Southern Africa3
HIST 393History of Mexico3
HIST 394History of Japan to 16003
HIST 395History of Japan Since 16003
HIST 435Ethnic America: To 18803
HIST 436Immigrant America Since 18803
HIST 445African Americans from Slavery to Freedom3
HIST 446African Americans Since the Civil War3
HIST 460The History of Poverty in America3
HIST 463History of the American City3
HIST 468The American Feminist Movement3
HIST 473History of Wisconsin Indians3
HIST 474Topics in North American Indian History:3
JAMS 111Gender and the Media3
LINGUIS 430Language and Society3
LINGUIS 432Urban Dialects3
POL SCI 215Ethnicity, Religion and Race in American Politics3
POL SCI 388Latino Politics3
PSYCH 578Psychology of Race, Ethnicity, and Health3
SOCIOL 233Social Inequality in the United States3
SOCIOL 235Social Change in the Global Economy3
SOCIOL 321Contemporary Issues of the American Indian3
SOCIOL 323Perspectives on Latino Communities3
SOCIOL 324Race and Ethnicity in Global Contexts3