October 2018 Campus News Update

The following is information sent to all UWM instructors and staff via email for October 2018 as part of regular Canvas project updates.

Dear Instructors,

Within the next four terms (this fall, Spring 2019, Summer 2019, and Fall 2019) you must move all D2L materials you wish to keep to either Canvas or your computer. D2L will no longer be available to you starting January 2020 onward. Please consider migrating your course content from D2L to Canvas soon!

You might take advantage of the upcoming months this semester to get this done. Canvas course sites are automatically created 60 days prior to the start of a given semester. This fall, we exceeded our goal for courses being taught using Canvas, thanks to 422 instructors teaching 535 courses to 12,197 students. It is imperative that we keep the momentum going to meet our next target — having in Spring 2019 at least 60% of all courses using Canvas in each academic department.

Fall 2018: 17% of instructors using Canvas. Spring 2019: 60% of instructors using Canvas. Fall 2019: 75% of instructors using Canvas. Winterim 2020 and beyond: 100%

To move your course content follow these steps:

  1. Export your content from D2L
  2. Import the content into Canvas
  3. Make changes to your Canvas course site

Before moving your content, consider registering for training on Canvas:

The Canvas: Basics workshop covers the fundamentals such as how to navigate, post course files, and move content from D2L to Canvas. In addition, you will learn how to use SpeedGrader, a feature you can use to provide feedback to students.

The Canvas: Advanced workshop covers communication and grading features, including online discussions, quizzes, rubrics, scheduling one-on-one conferences, attendance and more.

Online Resources for Instructors on Canvas

Would you like real-time (synchronous) online training where you can get answers to your questions on the spot? Create an account with your UWM email address for free access to Instructure’s online Canvas webinars.

Comprehensive Support for Canvas

CETL can provide help!

  • Simply email (cetl@uwm.edu), call 414 229-4319, or stop by Engelmann Hall B59, the location of CETL’s Learning Technology Commons.
  • CETL’s Learning Technology Commons is open from 9:00 to 4:30 every workday to help all faculty, instructional academic staff, and teaching assistants. No appointment is necessary – all instructor walk-ins are welcome!

Help is also available in most schools and colleges!

Contact Canvas Support directly for help after hours!

  • Canvas provides 24 hours/day, 7 day a week support by email, phone, and chat for all instructors and students in the UW System so you shouldn’t be hesitant about contacting support at the time most convenient to you.
  • Feedback from UWM instructors indicates Instructure/Canvas consultants have provided excellent 24/7 support by phone! If you need assistance Saturday, Sunday, Monday at 3:00 a.m., go ahead and call Canvas support:
    • (Updated April 14, 2023) 414-251-5050, Option 2*

*Before contacting Instructure/Canvas, it is best if students contact instructors first. Instructors may have the answer or adjusting the course might resolve the problem.

Please direct students to Canvas support for unresolved problems before telling them to contact the UWM Help Desk.

Upcoming Transition Dates

Date Event
Dec 1, 2018 UDOIT (Universal Design Online Content Inspection Tool) available to UWM instructors
Jan 1, 2019 Canvas course sites for certificates, continuing education and training/development available
Feb 1, 2019 Begin migration of non-credit courses from D2L to Canvas or other services
Mar 1, 2019 Campaign to archive D2L data
April 1, 2019 Summer 2019 courses created in Canvas
May 1, 2019 Summer 2019 courses created in D2L
May 15, 2019 Fall 2019 courses created in D2L
May 31, 2019 No further non-credit courses created in D2L
July 1, 2019 Fall 2019 courses created in Canvas
Dec 31, 2019 Last for-credit class offered in D2L

Dates are subject to change