BUS ADM 701: Business Mathematics

Online Resources and Equivalency Exam

COVID 19 UPDATE: At this time we are only offering an online equivalency exam for BUS ADM 701. To request an exam time please email, our Academic Advising office at mba-ms@uwm.edu. You will need to be an admitted student with access to Canvas. 

The provided resources cover basic mathematical analysis to help prepare you for the quantitative material in the Lubar MBA program. Key topics include exponents, radicals, introduction to common functions (linear, quadratic, polynomials, exponential, and logarithm), and elementary calculus techniques (basic application of derivatives and integration).

The proficiency exam has 40 questions and you are required to get 30 correct to be considered proficient. Materials allowed in the exam include one page (front and back) of notes and a calculator.

Suggested Textbook

Business Math Topic Resources

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