International Society of Biometeorology

ISB Membership

Encountering difficulty?  Follow this step-by-step guide.  If you continue experiencing difficulties, please contact Michael Allen (mallen[at]

By renewing my membership or joining the International Society of Biometeorology, I consent to

  • my membership details being stored and processed for the purpose of the organization and management of the Society.
  • being contacted by a member of the Executive Board, Chairs and/or Co-chairs of Commissions and Study Groups in relation to Society matters.
  • I confirm I will uphold the Statutes and the Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The International Society of Biometeorology is based on individual membership. Regular membership is open to all persons with academic training and degree. Membership fees include online subscription of the International Journal of Biometeorology (12 issues per year) and the Bulletin of the Society (newsletter appearing approximately twice a year). A student membership is also available for those currently enrolled in an institute of higher education. ISB Memberships are given by the calendar year, with journal subscriptions for whole years only. If membership dues are paid between January 1st and August 31st, they apply starting with the current calendar year. If membership dues are paid between September 1st and December 31st, they apply starting with the following calendar year (with web page member access granted for the remainder of the current year).

Benefits of membership in ISB include:

  • Online subscription to the International Journal of Biometeorology (IJB).  Those wishing to receive a hard copy should contact the Society Secretariat.
  • Ability to share information through the Society forums.
  • 20% discount on Springer Biometeorology book series
  • Discount conference fees for ISB Congresses and affiliated symposia (e.g. EMS)
  • Strengthened global partnerships on biometeorology-related context

The ISB membership categories are tiered based on World Bank categories:

    • Regular:  1-year, 2-year, 3-year membership
      • Low Income (Annual than $4,000 USD):  $15, $29, $40
      • Middle-Income ($4,000 to $13,000 USD): $30, $58, $80
      • High-Income (More than $13,000 USD):  $75, $145, $200
    • Full-Time Student:  $15
    • Retired:  $15

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