
UWM Specific Resources

  1.  UWM Accessibility Home Page – The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is  committed to making its campus and resources accessible. This page provides a central resource for UWM students, staff and visitors.
  2. Essential Accessibility Considerations for Instructional Materials – The essential list of accessibility considerations from the Provosts Office.
  3. Interpreting & Captioning Services – If you have deaf/hard of hearing students enrolled in your course, ARC can assist you with your captioning. Before you submit video captioning requests, please search to see if there is a captioned version available.
  4. Accessibility Resource Center -The Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is dedicated to providing equal access for students with disabilities to the University’s academic, social, cultural and recreational programs. ARC provides comprehensive services and accommodations for students with disabilities as well as outreach and support to faculty and staff. The Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible University experience for all students.
  5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Toolkit – The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is committed to providing a workplace where all employees can be successful. This includes providing reasonable accommodations in order for qualified employees or applicants with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities.
  6. Campus Community Services Request Form – Interpreter requests – To obtain Interpreting or Cued Speech Services
  7. Library Accessible Services and Resources – Services and resources available at the UWM Libraries.
  8. Top Tips for Universal Design in the Classroom & Online Course – A list of best practices in inclusion and presentation in the physical and digital classroom. (Created by ACCESS-ed Project, R2D2 Center, Accessibility Resource Center, UWM).
  9. UWM Accessibility Policy for Information and Instructional Technology (Draft)

Web Accessibility – General Resources

  1. Access-ADA Now Summer 2016 (from – Learn about Title II Web Accessibility Obligations & Recommendations; Developing an Action Plan for
    Accessible Websites; Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG v2); Universal Design; Screen Readers; and Why a Transcript is Not Enough to Make Your Videos Compliant.
  2. 2016 – Web Accessibility Roadmap (3-Play Media) – This white paper provides guidance for making online university content
    accessible to as many stakeholders as possible.
  3. Accessible Course Design (Word Press) -This site was created to help instructors and instructional designers implement strategies for accessible course design. The goal is to provide information that is easily understandable to individuals who are not necessarily technology-oriented and may not know much about working with people with disabilities.
  4. WebAIM – Accessibility training, Technical Assistance, Site Certification, and Evaluation & Reporting.
  5. WAVE Web Accessibility Tool –
  6. Webinar – Accessibility Support Model: How a Large University Supports Diverse Learners Taking Online Courses – Accessibility Support Model Webinar


The Americans with Disabilities Act – Knowing the Law

  1. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Revised ADA Regulations – Implementing Title II and Title III – Information & Technical Assistance
  2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division – The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities that are like those provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.


Universal Design

  1. ACCESS-ed Website for Universal Design in Higher Education – offers the entire higher education community quick and easy solutions to challenges they may face when creating an inclusive campus. (Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education and developed by the R2D2 Center, UWM).
  2. Universal Design in Education (UDE): Principles and Applications – UDE goes beyond accessible design for people with disabilities to make all aspects of the educational experience more inclusive for students, parents, staff, instructors, administrators, and visitors with a great variety of characteristics. (DO-IT, University of Washington).
  3. Top Tips for Universal Design in the Classroom & Online Course – A list of best practices in inclusion and presentation in the physical and digital classroom. (Created by ACCESS-ed Project, R2D2 Center, Accessibility Resource Center, UWM).


Other Accessibility Resources

  1. Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings – An area often overlooked by meeting planners is how to make meetings accessible for people with disabilities. By considering accessibility in the planning process, you ensure that everyone can participate and be involved for a successful meeting. This Guide from Canada provides great tips and checklists.