Janelle Malagon

  • Teaching Assistant - Doctoral, English


  • MA in English, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2019
  • BA in English with a minor in History, University of Central Florida, 2017 

Courses Taught

  • ENGLISH 102 - College Writing and Research
  • ETHNIC 275 - Queer Migrations
  • LGBT 275 - Queer Migrations
  • LGBT 599 - Selected Topics in LGBT Studies
  • WRIT 1120 - College Writing (UMD)

Research Interests

  • The intersections of media studies and global climate disruptions
  • Game studies, environmental games, representations of climate disruptions in interactive media
  • Transnational and transgenerational media, diaspora studies, antiracist practices and pedagogy

Conference Presentations

  • “‘You Mean, You’re Not Going to Read Them?:’ The Barrier-Breaking Value of Private Journals in the Public FYC Classroom” presented at the 2020 Red River Graduate Student Conference.
  • “Situated Affect: An Incomplete Reading of Mirror Neurons in (e)Sports” presented at the 2020 Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference.
  • Cyborgs are the 21st century Frankenstein's Monster: Adaptation as a Means of Re/Visioning Dickensian Monsters as Postmodern Cyborgs" accepted for the College English Association 2020 Conference.
  • “Bridging the Real-ized and Imagined Cuba in the American Imagination: Investigating the Reader’s Role in Cristina García’s Dreaming in Cuban" presented at the College English Association 2018 Conference.