UWM is committed to fulfilling its civic mission and engaging students in the Milwaukee community through volunteerism, service-learning, and leadership development. Non-profit agencies, governmental offices, and public and private schools can partner with the Center for Student Experience and Talent by filling out the Partnership Request Form, and then contacting Ben Trager at bwtrager@uwm.edu to see which programs are the best suited to your agency’s needs.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Like service-learning, field work and internships are academically based, but usually require a much larger time commitment and are geared to the development of very specific skills such as teaching, social work or nursing. Service-learning, on the other hand, does not focus on the acquisition of particular career skills, but rather helps students deepen their understanding of course content through experiences in the community and reflection in the classroom.
The number is determined by you and your capacity to provide service-learning experiences compatible with coursework.
Most faculty members require students to accomplish between 10-15 hours of service over the course of a semester. However, this can vary depending on the project.
Placements are course specific. Students are given a list of organizations which have been determined to match the content and goals of a particular service-learning course. For most courses, students are able to select from a variety of agencies. They are asked to familiarize themselves with the work of the agencies in advance of making their selections.
Chief among them are careful supervision and a commitment to helping make the service-learning experience relevant to course goals. Responsibilities include providing updates on agency information and service needs, offering orientations and training which prepare students for the work they will be doing and signing student time sheets.