Andy West

    • Community Engagement and Experiential Learning Program Manager, Center for Student Experience and Talent

    Andy acts as the Community Engagement and Experiential Learning Program Manager, providing support for UWM students and local non-profit organizations as they work as a team to help clean and restore the waterways and habitats in the city of Milwaukee. Andy has a passion for community engaged science and enjoys building educational programs that help connect everyone to our natural world. When he is off the clock, Andy enjoys hitting the trails, bird watching, and native gardening.

    Prior to his role at UWM Andy served over 10 years in the United States Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician. Those valuable years provided him with the skills needed to successfully support UWM students and the city of Milwaukee.


    • B.A., Conservation Environmental Science, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
    • Associates, Art & Science, Lord Fairfax Community College