Julien Phifer

    • Graduate Assistant, Center for Student Experience and Talent

    Julien prides himself in being a first-generation college graduate who has navigated his way through higher education for 11+ years. He uses this experience to mentor others who plan to or are currently exploring a similar path, by letting them know to be present in the space, build connections, and use resources available.

    At SET, Julien serves as a first point of contact when people arrive at the Community Engagement and Experiential Learning Office in the Student Union. He also supports the Adopt-A-River service-learning activities, and driving students to and from volunteer/service-learning opportunities.

    When he is not working, Julien enjoys participating in leisure activities that restores his mind, body, and spirit.


    • In progress - M.S., Sustainable Peace Building, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    • B.A., Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee