Vincent Figueroa
Vince is currently enrolled in UW-Milwaukee’s Design and Visual Communication program where he is working to achieve a BFA. Vince holds a BA in Communication from UW-Stevens Point.
Presently, Vince is employed as a producer with Scripps Media. He is highly proficient in sound editing, promoting various events while maintaining the station brand, and was the lead writer for the live radio performance of “A Christmas Carol.”
Vince is also an improvisor with Mojo Dojo Comedy where he has a wealth of theater experience and is skilled in public speaking, working with groups, and teaching.
Freelance design work includes business marketing material for the non-profit group H.A.V.E.N. (Hounds and Vets Empowered Now). Work includes logo, letterhead, brochure, and a website that is still in development.
Vince hopes to continue helping small businesses like Mojo Dojo and non-profits like H.A.V.E.N. with their design needs once he finishes his work at UWM.
Create-a-Creature is card game that encourages the player to mix and match the body parts and costumes of different creatures into various combinations. The game is for fun, but it reinforces ideas from my manifesto like promoting creativity, teamwork, and above all (and quite possibly the most important) having fun.
The shape of the card set is hexagonal as it is a strong shape and allows for the character and prop pieces to fit together in a wide variety of ways.