Michael Pepitone


Michael Pepitone

Portfolio Website


Michael is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee soon to be graduating with a BFA in Design and Visual Communication. Since Michael was young, he has been intrigued by animals, art, the outdoors and food. All of which are still relevant today, but share a common theme of eliciting huge amounts of curiosity and creativity for that subject. Early in his education, he found the love for design through architecture, but transitioned slowly to the graphic design field. The process and attention to detail within the design world is really what drives Michael in his work. Through the current Design and Visual Communication school here at Milwaukee, he has gained a great knowledge of the field of design, history, thinking, and difficulties. Michael currently is a graphic designer for a media and marketing agency, Axelstrat, based here in Milwaukee. I’ve gained immense knowledge and appreciation of the business, marketing, company relations, and overall professionalism while working under inspirational management. With an eco-friendly attitude and passion, Michael practices sustainable methods of design whenever possible, but when he is not designing you can find him rock climbing outside and networking.

