Francisco Driessen
Prior to joining University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s Design and Visual Communications Program, Francisco Driessen earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Illustration from Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in 2000. In 2004, he became a lead security officer at the Milwaukee Art Museum where he developed a leadership role that exposed him to the art museum world and design in the local community. He is an active practitioner, by showing artwork in local small gallery showings as well as Milwaukee gallery night at the Milwaukee Art Museums staff show in 2001-2004.
In 2006, Francisco traveled to Tokyo Japan; the excursion reinvigorated his interest of art and design. After returning to Milwaukee, he enrolled in continuing education courses in Adobe Illustrator, Screen-printing as well as Japanese language classes.
Francisco left the Milwaukee Art Museum in 2014 and began employment at Johnson Controls and he decided to pursue an undergrad at UWM in design. Aiming to get a new understanding of digital software and polish artistic know-how learned from past endeavors, Francisco continues to have a strong drive to enter a new, yet very familiar, career.
Outside of work and academia, Francisco enjoys ethnic cuisine, foreign films, and posts a new 80s synth music video playlist monthly to his blog.
I wanted the manifesto to display as signs of information. Remembering the signage in Tokyo, these signs displayed both Japanese and English. I wanted my design to mimic this concept, to further inform with simple illustrations, much like the signs in Japan.
The translation from Japanese to English is not perfect, it is intentionally slightly off, playing with how information can be interpreted differently. Much like the language in a manifesto, it can be difficult trying to interpret each others’ message.