Victoria Peters



Victoria Peters is a young professional and cat-a-holic, soon-to-be graduating with a BFA in Design and Visual Communication from Peck School of the Arts. She also has a General Business minor from the Lubar School of business, at UW-Milwaukee. Don’t let the sour lemon look on her face fool you; on the inside she is just as vibrant as her wardrobe, with designs more refreshing than Aquafina. Her goals include creating package designs and inspiring others with her unique style.

Project Description

How many feral cats live in your neighborhood? Feral cats are often overlooked and forgotten when it comes to issues concerning animal welfare and wildlife. By one estimate, the number of feral cats in the US is in the tens of millions. Visible is a campaign that aims to provide increased visibility to feral cats in the Riverwest neighborhood.

Research Question

How can feral cats in the community be made visible?


