Taylor Dekker



Taylor Dekker is a creative thinker and visual artist who isn’t afraid of a good challenge. He works well by himself and in team environments. He is a natural team leader but is also flexible and can also play a smaller role as well. He is very open minded and values the opinions of others and he is a good listener. He’s not afraid of tough challenges and enjoys the process of overcoming obstacles. He is also very competitive but is a compassionate people person with a passion for building connections.

Project Description

REVEAL is a 3D typeface in which there is only one way to view each of the letter forms. Once viewed from the right angle the letter will reveal itself and the message will become clear. This font was inspired by people with dyslexia. With the typeface REVEAL I wanted to show non-dyslexic people what it may be like for a dyslexic person to read. You may not know what the message is right away but looked at the right angle and the message becomes clear and you can understand it.

Research Question

How can design be used to bring awareness to dyslexia?



