Eric Stark
Eric Stark grew into art ever since he was given a crayon and a piece of paper at the age of 5. Currently Eric is finishing his final semester at UW-Milwaukee for Design and Visual Communications and will be graduating this semester. Some notable things about Eric is that during his summer and winter breaks of college he would work various internship positions one being a marketing firm that revolved around B2B Design and the other being part of a UI/UX team at a pharmaceutical company in Chicago known as AbbVie.
For Highschool Eric attended Adlai E. Stevenson Highschool in Lincolnshire, Illinois most notable to be named one of the best High schools in the nation for its many opportunities and extracurriculars. While his time in high school Eric learned many programs that planted the seeds for many of his skills sets for his use in Design and Visual Communications. While Eric was growing up he had a vast interest in video games, comic books, cartoons, and music. He found it intriguing seeing how artwork is made for levels, environments, characters, and album covers.
He would later learn how artwork and design was made and incorporated into these different areas. Every stroke, every pixel, every vector and or typographic decision has reasoning to why it was placed. Eric cites that he could relate design to his passion for fencing. He states that in fencing, an individual must strategize his/her moves and understand their opponent. When applied to design terms the opponent would be the project. A designer and fencer cannot make thoughtless moves, or they will wear themselves out and waste precious time.
My manifesto revolves around my love for interactive media and how design interacts with it. Growing up I taught myself various game engines in hopes of creating something that others can enjoy and play with. With this I present to you Designcadia, a game about my beliefs in design with sparkles of my life and personality into the mix.