Kalina Hug

Kalina Hug


Manifesto: Finding Faith Through Fashion

Equity Project: Anveera


Kalina is a devout designer who is passionate about typography and spread design. She grew up with a creative mindset and found her joy for designing after entering college. In her free time, you can find her shopping, making clothes, and spending time with loved ones. She appreciates the simple things in life such as sunsets and flowers. She takes time to slow down and be present in each moment. Kalina hopes to go into a career within design that allows her to openly display her faith. She enjoys combining type and photos in her work, therefore that is also important for her to have within a future job. As she moves forward, Kalina plans to explore different avenues in order to find out what suits her best. She realizes that as a designer, it is crucial to learn new skills and gain experience in the field. She will work hard to get to where she wants to be.
