Ashley Tulpa
Ashley Tulpa is a senior earning her bachelor’s degree in Design and Visual Communication at the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin. While Ashley finds joy in design, she uses illustration to enhance her designs, adding character and whimsical nature to her work. Ashley is a loose thinker and uses playful design and illustration to bring out the kid in herself and hopefully in others as well. She believes that genuine human connection, wholesome integrity, and a little bit of fun are the key ingredients to design. Ashley hopes to use these characteristics to hold as the base of her future in design.
“Be different. Keep your eyes open. Record everything you see, process it, and then spit it back out in your own very personal way.” – Olimpia Zagnoli for The Great Discontent
This project is an exploration of the inner child for the outer adult. This classic activity book is a reminder that we were all once carefree children. So let’s be carefree for a second, but at the same time, take a second to reflect like a grown-up. Step 1: take time to think like a kid.