Alessandra Tato
Alessandra Tato is an aspiring designer studying Design and Visual Communications and Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has grown up in Milwaukee, a happy mix of city and nature, which has influenced her work allowing her to see the beauty in both the handmade and manmade.
The way that people interact with and experience an object or event is something that she implements in her work and finds valuable and intriguing and has garnered a love for UI/UX. Organization and navigation is an essential part of her daily life and design and being able to enhance and enrich a user’s experience with a product or an environment is something that she values deeply. She has been a part of Discovery World’s Summer Camp programs and has worked with many creatives. She finds it valuable to understand and keep an open mind to many perspectives when it comes to art and design.
In her not-so-professional life, she has formed a fascination with gaming, people, travel, rabbits and fish.
Characters in sticker form that represent different sections of my personal manifesto. There are some characters that you relate to more than others, but it is good to keep them all in mind. Although the manifesto is not represented through words, these little characters will be here to remind you to always remember yourself. Stick them to a notebook, your laptop, or anything else that you see on a daily basis. To remember this is to remember you.