Effective May 9th, 2022, when you need a new Supplier created or need to update an existing Supplier you will need to submit your request via ShopUW+: details are found at the ShopUW+ Essentials Supplier Manager User Resources web page. Only those with REQUESTER roles in ShopUW+ can submit requests for new Suppliers or Supplier edits.
If you are uncertain or do not have the correct role in ShopUW+, please check with your UBR if you should have or be given the REQUESTER role for the purposes of Supplier setup.
Vendors/Suppliers can get more information on how to register as a Supplier with the UW System on the ShopUW+ Supplier Resources web page.
Suppliers will be notified to complete the Supplier Registration process and enter their secure data directly into ShopUW+ (e.g. the W9). Please allow 3-7 Business Days for the Supplier approval response (depending on how quickly the Supplier completes the registration process).
Once the Supplier is created or updated, you will receive an email informing you that the registration or update has been completed.
Reference UW System Policy 363 on Supplier Edits.