New Furniture (Mandatory)

Pursuant to State statute (s. 16.75(3t)(c)), new furniture (categories are defined on webpage link below) must be purchased from the Bureau of Correctional Enterprises (BCE), formerly Badger State Industries (BSI): 505ENT-M15-BSI OFFURN-01

Michelle Pressentin is UWM’s sales representative – Michelle is to be contacted for quotes:

Unless a waiver is obtained from BCE/BSI, all goods and services that are available from BCE/BSI must be purchased from them if all the following conditions are present (“right of first refusal”):

  1. Goods/services conform to the agency’s specifications;
  2. Goods/services can be provided in accordance with the agency’s specified
    timeline; and
  3. Price is comparable to that which could be obtained through competitive
    bidding/proposals (“market price”).

If a waiver is granted, you may subsequently pursue quotes from any dealer on the Statewide Office Furniture contract. On the link below, see “Vendor List” under the Documents section for the updated list. Contract Number 505ENT-M20-OFFURNITUR-00

NOTE:  Failure to provide adequate lead-time to BCE does NOT justify a waiver request.   You must first submit the project scope, drawings, space plans, and specifications on the furniture requirements to BCE prior to seeking bids from another vendor.  Any waiver request sent to BCE without first giving BCE the opportunity to formally bid or quote will not be granted, thus increasing the potential to cause a time delay for the customer.

See the Tips for Ordering Furniture Guide here, or for help with local vendor rep/contact info, selections, and any other questions please contact Kathy Kercheck x 7162