How Do I Store My Pcard statements and receipts?

UWM Procurement is responsible for monitoring all Purchase Card statements. Items approved through the Streamline Purchase Card Statement Storage Process will be saved to the SharePoint storage site. A high-level audit will occur to ensure statements are received within the required time frames and appropriate documentation is attached for expenses.

UWM Purchasing Card Approval and Storage Submission Form (Streamline)


Purchase Card Statement Storage/Audit

UWM Procurement is responsible for the maintenance of the Streamline Purchase Card Statement Storage site and providing support to UWM faculty and staff to enable them to store their statement, per policy, in a timely fashion. Items approved through the Purchase Card Statement Storage Process will be saved to the SharePoint storage site. An automated process will occur to ensure statements are received within the required time frames, contacting cardholders who are not in compliance until statements and documentation are uploaded to the storage site.

Purchasing Card Statement and Supporting Documents Submission Procedure

Please note: This procedure is a mandatory. Failure to comply with this process may result in loss of credit limit, per the discretion of the UWM Procurement Office.

1. Prepare Your Documents

US Bank Statement and Supporting Documents

  • Scan or download an electronic copy of your US Bank statement.
  • Scan or download electronic copies of all receipts, invoices, and other documents that support the purchases.

Business Purpose

The business purpose for each item on your US Bank statement must be clearly explained. You can:

  • Write a detailed business purpose on the statement. Example: Freezer for Smith lab to store lab samples.
  • Use the purchasing log spreadsheet (PCard-Log-Template.xlsx) to record the business purpose.
  • Use the business purpose section within the submission form to enter the information for each line item.

2. Supporting Documents No-No’s

Examples of information that should not be uploaded to the SharePoint site (or must be redacted if they appear in any supporting document) include:

  • Social security numbers
  • Bank account / routing numbers
  • Medical information
  • Full credit card account numbers
  • Account balances, payment histories, credit ratings, income histories
  • Driver’s license information
  • Employee or Student ID numbers
  • FERPA-protected information
  • Any other information that could cause embarrassment or harm to an individual or the institution if inadvertently released

3. Submit Your US Bank Statement and Supporting Documents

Once you have your US Bank statement and supporting documents in an electronic format, you are ready to submit your documents for approval and storage within the campus purchasing card storage site.

UWM Purchasing Card Approval and Storage Submission Form (Streamline)

  • Log in – With your UWM ePanther Credentials.
  • UWM Employee – Type in the name / ePanther ID and choose the correct employee.
  • School/College/Division – Choose your school, college, or division from the dropdown list.
  • Department – Choose your department from the dropdown list.
  • Purchasing Card Number – Enter the last four digits of the purchasing card.
  • Statement Date – Choose the correct US Bank statement date from the dropdown list.
  • Statement Total – Enter the total from the statement. (Do not include the $ sign)
  • Statement – Upload your US Bank statement. (May also upload the purchasing log if you created a separate file)
  • Supporting Documents – Upload all supporting documents. (e.g. receipts, invoices, travel itinerary, etc.)
  • Approvers – Start typing in the name of the person / people who need to approve your statement and choose the correct one(s). It does not matter in which order you add multiple Approvers, Approvers can approve the documents in any order.
  • Purchase Log – If you have not written the business purpose on the statement or included an uploaded purchase log, you may use this section to enter the business purpose for each line item on your US Bank statement.
  • Comments/Notes – This is optional and should be used to include any additional information that might clarify something within the US Bank statement.

Once done, click submit to move your statement and supporting documents on to your approver(s). You are now finished unless your approver(s) return the statement back to you because of missing documents, further clarification needed, or anything else that would cause them to not be able to approve your US Bank statement at this time.

The cardholder is responsible for ensuring the statements and supporting documentation are submitted and approved within 60 days of the statement date.

Important Purchasing Card Links